The power situation in Norway as of 19 November

Lysaker, 20 November 2003
Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):  
Low precipitation led to lower influx during week 46 than week 45. As of Monday 17 November, the Norwegian water reservoir levels were 65.3 per cent full. This is a decrease of 1.7 per cent from last week. The reservoir level is now 1 per cent lower than the same time last year. Continuously mild weather and increased precipitation entails expectations of higher influx during the present week than during week 46. The reservoir level in the Swedish water reservoirs at the beginning of week 47 was 59.9 per cent full, after a drop with 1.6 percentage points throughout week 46. 
The temperature dropped slightly from week 45 to week 46. This gave increased Nordic consumption. The increase in consumption in each of the Nordic countries was mainly covered by increased domestic production. The internal exchange between the Nordic countries only changed very little from week 46. In total this week, the Norwegian net import was 94 GWh, while the Nordic net import was 293 GWh. Svenska Kraftnät (SvK) notified the market that they would reduce the net capacity for export to Norway due to bottleneck problems in own grid. This leads to a lower Norwegian import than if the import capacity had been utilized to its maximum. 
For the first time this year, the prices last week in the daily market were lower than the corresponding week last year. In week 46, the prices in the Southern Norway were 309NOK/MWh compared to 319 NOK MWh last year. In the end-users' market the prices on a standard variable contract remains 10 per cent higher than during the corresponding period last year.