Extraordinary General Meeting in Hexagon AB

Extraordinary General Meeting in Hexagon AB

The extraordinary general meeting resolved today in accordance with the Board of
Director's proposal to implement a subscription warrant programme for senior
executives and key employees in the group by a directed issue of 2,500,000
subscription warrants. The warrants shall be transferred to approximately 80
senior executives and key employees at a price of SEK 20 per warrant and the
remaining warrants shall be reserved for future recruitment of senior executives
and key employees in the group. 

Each subscription warrant shall entitle the holder to subscribe for one share of
series B in Hexagon AB during the period from 2 July 2011 up to and including 2
January 2012. The rate at subscription for new shares by exercising the
subscription warrants shall be based on a marketable valuation of the
subscription warrants including the established issue rate for the subscription
warrants. The proposed issue of warrants will result in a total dilution of
maximum approximately 0.93 per cent in proportion to the number of shares in the

The reasons for the deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights are
that Hexagon AB wishes to offer senior executives and key employees the
opportunity to participate in the increase in value of the company's share. This
is expected to increase the interest in the company's development and to
stimulate a continued company loyalty over the forthcoming years.

For further information, please contact:
Håkan Halén, CFO, Hexagon AB, +46 8 601 26 34, ir@hexagon.se

Hexagon AB is a global technology group with strong market positions within
measurement technologies and polymers. Hexagon's vision is to be number one or
number two in each strategic business area. The group has about 9,400 employees
in 30 countries and net sales of about 14,000 MSEK.

