HiQ SAILING TEAM - THE BOOK - New photographic book about one of the world's fastest sailing boats

HiQ SAILING TEAM - THE BOOK - New photographic book about one of the world's
fastest sailing boats

HiQ and Calazo Förlag are publishing an action-packed and gleaming-silver
photographic book with pictures taken by the photographer Malcolm Hanes. In the
152 pages of the book, we invite the reader to follow the HiQ Sailing Team
through five fast-moving years - from the first voyage from Cape Town to Rio in
2002 to the record-breaking season in 2007. The book is ideal, both for the
sailing enthusiast who wants to know all about the world's fastest trimarans,
and for the quayside sailor who wants to be inspired by exquisite images with
his coffee. "We are very proud of the trimaran project. The five years of the project have
been a fantastic journey. HiQ and sailing have many things in common. We work
with high technology, often to tight deadlines and in close contact with our
customers. Modern yacht racing is all about advanced technology, tough
challenges and team spirit. The project has generated true commitment, created a
sense of pride, and increased awareness of HiQ. We could not have made a better
investment in our brand," says Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ

About the HiQ Sailing Team
Backing for the HiQ Sailing Team venture comes from HiQ International in
association with Whyshore, an events promotion and sailing company, and other
co-partners. The crew is made up of Klabbe Nylöf (Skipper), Andreas Andersén
(Boat Captain) and Pelle Norberg (Project Manager) - a very strong team with a
string of achievements from most of the Whitbread, Volvo Ocean Race and other
major international competitions. 

About the HiQ trimaran 
HiQ is a 60-foot trimaran and one of the fastest sailing boats in the world. In
good conditions, the boat can reach speeds in excess of 40 knots. It achieved a
record speed of 43 knots in 2006. The boat is 60 feet long, 20 metres wide and
weighs around 5 tonnes. The sail area is very large compared to the size of the
boat, making the vessel quick and light on the rudder, but an advanced craft to
sail - the Formula 1 of sailing.

HiQ Sailing Team awards 
Winner Nokia Oops Cup
Winner Round Gotland race
Winner  Faerder race 
Winner Round Sjaelland race
Speed record Faerder race
Speed record  Sjaelland race

2nd place Nokia Oops Cup
2nd place Round Gotland race
2nd place Faerder race
2nd place Sjaelland Runt

3rd Nokia Oops Cup
3rd Gotland Runt race
2nd Faerder race
2nd Sjaelland race
Speed record Round Lidingö race
Speed record Round Gotland race

Winner Nokia Oops Cup
Winner Round Faerder race 
2nd place Round Gotland race

Winner Round Gotland race
Speed record Helsinki - Tallin
Speed record Round Tjörn race

About the book
Editor: 	Fredrik Hjelmstedt, Calazo Förlag
Photographer: 	Malcolm Hanes
Text: 	Chad Williamson och Luke Dickson, Public Speaking
Art direction and design: 	Peter Assarsson, Johanna Steen och Agnes Palmcrantz,
Blinkers Brands

The book will be available in shops from week 51 (Dec 17) and will cost SEK 350.

For more information, and pictures, please contact:
Anna Jennehov, Head of Corporate Communications, HiQ, tel: +46 (0)8-588 90 000,
0704-200 049  

HiQ is an IT and management consultancy that focuses on high-tech solutions in
the fields of communication, software development and simulation. The company is
a leader in these fields and the Nordic region is its domestic market. HiQ
employs close to 1 000 people at offices in the Nordic Region and Eastern
Europe. HiQ is listed on the Nordic Stock Exchange midcap list. For more
information, please visit www.hiq.se.

