Vestas receives research grant from the Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation

Press release from                                                              
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Randers, 17 December 2007
Press release No 7/2007                                                        

Vestas receives research grant from the Danish National Advanced Technology     

The Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation grants DKK 15 million for    
research which - inspired by nature, is to improve wind turbine blades' ability 
to operate in turbulence.                                                       

Many birds have a unique capability to stay still in the sky even under the     
influence of turbulent wind. The birds control the turbulence by constantly     
adapting their wings. Together, Vestas and DTU-Risø (Risø National Laboratory · 
Technical University of Denmark - DTU) will now show that the idea is applicable
for the very large wind turbines.                                               

“We know it works in theory. That has been proved by experiments with small     
elements in a wind tunnel. We also know that it works in nature. The challenge  
is to construct adjustable flaps for the turbine blades in order to reduce loads
on blades and turbine structure, and thus design much more cost efficient       
turbines,” says Manager of Vestas' Risø office, Carsten H. Westergaard.         

Vestas expects the project to result in a successful implementation of new      
technology in MW turbines making the concept the most competitive in the world  

“We are very pleased to receive the grant from the Danish National Advanced     
Technology Foundation. The grant facilitates cooperation between the best       
parties within this field. Being present with the most qualified people wherever
they are in the world is very important to Vestas. Therefore, we are also       
present at Risø-DTU to ensure close cooperation and support to Danish Research,”
says Carsten H. Westergaard.                                                    

Please address any questions regarding the research grant to Finn Strøm Madsen, 
President of Vestas Technology R&D, telephone +45 9730 0000.                    

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S                                                         

Finn Strøm Madsen                                                               
President, Technology R&D                                                       

Vestas - No. 1 in Modern Energy                                                 

Wind power is a renewable, predictable and clean energy resource. It has a fast 
ramp-up and offers the energy independence demanded by some of world's largest  
and fastest growing economies. This is why Vestas calls wind power Modern       

With a 28 per cent market share in 2006, Vestas is the world leader in          
delivering Modern Energy. Vestas has already installed over 33,500 wind turbines
in 63 countries and on five continents and it is installing a new turbine every 
five hours. In fact, Vestas turbines generate more than 50 million MWh a year or
enough power to supply millions of households. During the last 25 years, Vestas 
has improved the output of its turbines 100 times and is still continuously     
improving turbine effectiveness. This is why Vestas is No.1 in Modern Energy.

