The Power Situation in Norway as of 16 June 2004

Lysaker, 16 June 2004 

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

Last week the total net import of electric power into the Nordic countries was 427 GWh. This is the highest Nordic import observed so far this year. The Norwegian net import during week 24 was 46 GWh. The high Nordic net import during week 24 may have contributed to lower production from other Norwegian hydropower producers. Imports from countries outside the Nordic region are less expensive than increased production in the Nordic countries. In that respect, high imports contribute to covering  the power production alternatively met with increased production from Nordic producers. Several thermal power plants in Denmark and Sweden are at the present time inoperative due to yearly maintenance. Further more , it may look like the hydropower producers in the Nordic countries are reserved  in  regards to increas ing  production and  prefer  to store water for the next winter.  
 The influx to the Norwegian hydropower reservoirs increased with 3.1 percentage points throughout week 24. Thus, at the beginning of week 25 the influx was 52.6 per cent. In week 24,  there  was less snow melting than normal. However, more precipitation than normal led to the influx of water to the Norwegian reservoirs throughout the week being approximately 80 per cent of normal levels. The reservoir content is now 7.4 percentage points below the median level and 4.7 percentage points above the level observed in the same week last year. In Sweden the reservoir is now 46.4 per cent, after an increase throughout week 24 of 2.0 percentage points.   


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Marit Lundteigen Fossdal, NVE, tel: +47 2295 9353