DFDS sells chartered passenger vessel

DFDS sells chartered passenger vessel

DFDS has sold the passenger vessel DUKE OF SCANDINAVIA, ex DANA ANGLIA, to
Brittany Ferries. 

DUKE OF SCANDINAVIA was built in 1978 for the Harwich-Esbjerg route - on which
it has mostly operated. Since February 2006, the ship has been on bareboat
charter (i.e. chartered without crew) to Brittany Ferries. 

The sale is another step towards the company's aim of renewing the fleet and
ensuring an optimal adaptation of tonnage on our routes. 

“We have agreed with the buyer not to disclose the sale price. But we have a
good deal for both sides, also because it follows a long period of co-operation
on a charter agreement, which made the process uncomplicated”, says Søren

For DFDS, the deal means that invested capital is reduced and a profit of
around DKK 30 million is achieved. That will lead to an equivalent improvement
in the consolidated result for the year which, as previously announced, was
expected to be around DKK 500 million. 


For further information please contact Gert Jakobsen, Vice President,
Communications, mobile phone +45 3440 0043.

