Business area president leaves Indutrade

Business area president leaves Indutrade

Kaj Österlund, President of the Engineering & Equipment business area, is
leaving the Indutrade Group at his own request. Österlund joined Indutrade in
1990 and has been head of the Finnish operations since 1995. He has also been an
executive vice president of the Group since May 2005. 

”Kaj has built up Indutrade's operations in Finland in a commendable manner and
has now decided to leave at his own request,” says Johnny Alvarsson, President
and CEO of Indutrade. “We thank him for his service and wish him the best in the
Stockholm, 19 December 2007


For further information, please contact:
Johnny Alvarsson, President and CEO, tel. +46-70 589 17 95.

About Indutrade
Indutrade markets and sells components, systems and services with a high-tech
content within selected niches. Indutrade's business is distinguished by:

•	High-tech products for recurring needs
•	Growth through a structured and tried-and-tested acquisition strategy
•	A decentralised organisation characterised by an entrepreneurial spirit

The Group is structured into four business areas: Engineering & Equipment, Flow
Technology, Industrial Components and Special Products. Indutrade's sales
totalled SEK 4,516 million in 2006, generating operating income of SEK 460
million before depreciation of intangible assets. Indutrade is listed on the OMX
Nordic Exchange in Stockholm.

