The Power Situation in Norway as of 22 June 2005

Lysaker, 22 June 2005  

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

There was a high inflow to the Norwegian reservoirs in week 24, due to increased temperatures, which in turn gave substantially snow melt. The effective inflow was 8.8 TWh, i.e. 50 percent above normal. In addition there has been inflow lost in floods this week. In week 25 the inflow is expected to be considerable and well above normal.   

The level in the Norwegian reservoirs increased with 8.0 percentage points to 53.6 percent during week 24. Thus the reservoir level is above last years figure in the same week, but still below normal. In Sweden, the filling level was 62.0 percent, after an increase of 12.2 percentage points from last week. 

High inflows has contributed to a further decrease in Nordic electricity prices and at the same time increased Norwegian export. In week 24 there was a net export of 315 GWh from Norway. That is almost a doubling from the previous week.  

Declining spot prices in the Nordic Market has also given decreased prices for customers with spot related contracts. For households on a standard variable contract the announced price in week 27 was 0.328 NOK/kWh (excl. VAT). That is 0.020 NOK/kWh less than for week 26. Thus, the difference between these suppliers and an average of the 15 best offers (0.325 NOK/kWh in week 27) diminish.  


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Marit Lundteigen Fossdal, NVE, tel: +47 2295 9353