The Power Situation in Norway as of 18 May 2005

Lysaker, 18 May 2005   

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

The filling level in the Norwegian hydropower reservoirs fell by 0.3 percentage points during week 19. This means that the increase in the reservoir filling level observed in week 18 stopped, and was turned to a decrease in week 19. This is mainly a result of the inflow to the reservoirs being only 60 percent of normal, which was lower than the expected one week ago. The filling level in the Norwegian reservoirs was 32.5 percent at the end of week 19. This is 4.3 percentage points below normal. In Sweden, the filling level increased by 3.1 percentage points during week 19, giving a filling level of 26.5 percent. 

With the exemption of some isolated night hours, the German electricity prices have been higher than the Norwegian and the Nordic prices throughout week 19. This has given increased Norwegian export, and the Norwegian export ended at 168 GWh in week 19. The Nordic export to Germany increased considerably from week 18, but thanks to Finnish import from Russia, the Nordic region was a net importer of electricity also during week 19.   


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Marit Lundteigen Fossdal, NVE, tel: +47 2295 9353