Cancellation of shares

20 December 2007
Announcement No. 28/2007

As published in its announcement No. 21/2007, at Topdanmark's Extraordinary
General Meeting on 17 September 2007 it was decided to reduce the Company's
share capital by 820,900 shares. It was also announced that on 17 September
2007 the reduction in capital would be reported to the Danish Commerce and
Companies Agency and in practice, the cancellation of the shares would be
effected on the expiry of the time limit for filing objections. 

On 18 December 2007 the time limit expired without any objections. Therefore,
following Topdanmark's application for registration of the cancellation with
the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency, the shares were finally cancelled

Following the cancellation of these shares, Topdanmark's share capital will be
DKK 176,310,000, equivalent to 17,631,000 shares. 

Please direct any queries to:
Steffen Heegaard, Communication and IR Manager
Direct tel: +45 4474 4017, Mobile: +45 4025 3524