The Power Situation in Norway as of 16 May 2007

Lysaker, 16 May 2007  

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

Reduced nuclear power production and less inflow made prices increase
  Inflow to the Norwegian power system was 25 percent lower in week 19 than in the week before. The drop was caused by lower temperatures and thereby less snow melt. Still, the inflow was as normal for the week. Reduced nuclear power production in Sweden and Finland was an additional factor for the drop in prices at the Nordic power exchange. Lower prices made Norwegian hydro power production rice by more than 10 percent from the week before.
 Electricity exports from Norway to the other Nordic countries were 175 GWh in week 19, meaning that seven percent of the total Norwegian power production was exported this week. The increase in exports had a repressive effect on Nordic power prices.

Norwegian reservoir level was 42.8 percent at the end of week 19, after an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the week before. The reservoir level is now 6.0 percentage points above normal. The Swedish reservoir increased by 4.5 percentage points throughout week 19, and is now at 36.8 percent.  


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Marit L. Fossdal, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9353

Tor Arnt Johnsen, NVE, phone: +47 9302 4238

Nils Spjeldnæs, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9274