The Power Situation in Norway as of 25 April 2007

Lysaker, 25 April 2007  

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

The reservoir levels above normal  
 The average Norwegian reservoir level dropped by 0.5 percentage points during week 16, making the reservoir level 35.8 percent at the end of the week. This is 0.4 percentage points above normal. Inflow to the reservoirs was 1.8 TWh, or about 60 percent more than normal in week 16. This contributed to the relative low decrease in the reservoir level. There is still more snow than normal in parts of the country, even though the melting period has begun. Swedish reservoir levels are now 23.9 percent, after a rice of 0.5 percentage point during week 16.
 Norwegian power production fell by 6 percent compared to last week. At the same time, there was an increase in Norwegian imports of electricity. There were Swedish net exports to all connected areas in week 16, and a total of 15 percent of the Swedish production of electricity was exported. 

The average price on a standard variable contract among the nationwide suppliers, offered for week 19, was 26.2 øre/kWh at the beginning of week 17. This is the lowest price on this kind of contracts since the end of March 2004. 


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Marit L. Fossdal, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9353

Tor Arnt Johnsen, NVE, phone: +47 9302 4238

Nils Spjeldnæs, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9274