The Power Situation in Norway as of 18 April 2007

Lysaker, 18 April  2007  

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

Near balance in Norwegian exchange of electricity  
 Norwegian exchange of electricity has been about balanced the last few weeks. Normal reservoir levels and more snow than normal have so far not resulted in much export of electricity. So far this year, there have been 0.1 TWh Norwegian exports of electricity, while exports were 2.6 TWh the same period last year.
 At the time being there is full utilization of Swedish nuclear power capacity. At the same time there has been relatively low Nordic electricity consumption because of Easter holiday and mild weather. This has contributed to lower electricity prices in the Nordic area compared to continental prices, and thereby high Nordic exports to Germany and Poland.   

Inflows to Norwegian reservoirs were 50 percent above normal in week 15. Average Norwegian reservoir level is now 36.3 percent, which is 0.8 percentage points below normal. Average Swedish reservoir level was 23.4 percentage points at the end of week 15, after a drop of 1.6 percentage points throughout the week.  


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Marit L. Fossdal, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9353

Tor Arnt Johnsen, NVE, phone: +47 9302 4238

Nils Spjeldnæs, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9274