The Power Situation in Norway as of 14 February 2007

Lysaker, 14 February 2007  

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

Lower temperatures made electricity consumption and wholesale prices rise  
 Nordic consumption of electricity increased by 8 percent from week 5 to week 6, mainly due to colder weather. A large part of the increase was covered by Norwegian hydro power production. Norwegian generation increased by 10 percent and net exports from Norway nearly doubled. Most of the export went to Sweden, where shut down of nuclear power units contributed to a downfall in electricity generation from week 5 to week 6. 
 The increase in hydropower production contributed to a 3.1 percentage point drop in Norwegian reservoirs. The reservoir level at the end of week 6 was 55.7 percent, i.e. 2.6 percentage points below normal. Swedish reservoir levels are now 50.3 percent, after a 3.9 percentage point drop during week 6.

The combination of low temperatures and reduced Swedish nuclear power production pushed electricity prises at the Nordic power exchange upward. The average price in southern Norway was 21.9 øre/kWh in week 6. Prices in middle- and northern Norway increased from 22.0 øre/kWh in week 5 to 27,9 and 27,5 øre/kWh respectively in week 6. Electricity prices in these two price areas often coincident with the path of price movements in Sweden.   


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Marit L. Fossdal, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9353

Tor Arnt Johnsen, NVE, phone: +47 9302 4238

Nils Spjeldnæs, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9274