The Power Situation in Norway as of 24 January 2007

Lysaker, 24 January 2007  

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

Still high inflow to the reservoirs  
  The inflow to the reservoirs has been double of normal in week 3. Also the sum for the previous twelve weeks shows double normal values. 
 Despite colder weather in week 3, the electricity consumption has been low. Compared to corresponding week in 2006 the consumption was 11 percent lower. Low production and high inflows resulted in fall in the reservoir level of only 1.4 percentage points during week 3. At the end of the week the total level was 63.9 percent. 
 In week 3, a spot price contract, with a 2.2 øre/kWh mark-up, would have given a price of 28.2 øre/kWh to a consumer. That is 14.9 øre/kWh lower than the price on a standard variable contract among the dominant suppliers, and 13.0 øre/kWh lower than the average price from the nationwide suppliers in the same week.      


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate:  

Marit L. Fossdal, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9 53

Tor Arnt Johnsen, NVE, phone: +47 9302 4238

Nils Spjeldnæs, NVE, phone: +47 2295 9274