The Power Situation in Norway as of 12 October 2005

Lysaker, 12 October  2005  

Nord Pool has received the following information from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE):     

The inflow to the Norwegian hydro power reservoirs was about 10 percent below normal in week 40. At this time of year, the normal inflow is higher than the domestic consumption. However, high hydropower production and export contributed to the reservoir filling level only increasing by 0.1 percentage points during week 40. The filling level in the Norwegian reservoirs is now 89.4 percent. That is 1.4 percentage points above normal, and 10.5 percentage points higher than at the same time last year. In Sweden, the filling level was 89.2 percent at the end of week 40, after a reduction of 0.4 percentage points from last week. 

The Norwegian electricity production has been relatively high this summer. Much snow in the mountains at the start of the melting season and more precipitation than normal, have contributed to high reservoir filling levels. The risk for overflow during autumn contributes to relatively high Norwegian production and electricity export. 

The Nordic power exchange Nord Pool has from 5 October introduced a new elspot area for Germany, named Kontek. A part of the capacity between the Nordic area and Germany is made available for the Nord Pool. This can contribute to a more effective electricity flow between Germany and the Nordic area.  


Contact person at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate: 

Nils Spjeldnæs NVE, tel: +47 2295 9274