Change in the Nokia Board of Directors

Espoo, Finland - Nokia announced today that Mr. Daniel R. Hesse, who was
appointed as President and CEO of Sprint Nextel Corporation, has decided to
resign from the Nokia Board of Directors. Mr. Hesse was a Nokia Board member
since 2005. The Nokia Board currently consists of the following ten members:
Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Marjorie Scardino, Vice Chairman, Georg Ehrnrooth,
Lalita Gupte, Bengt Holmström, Henning Kagermann, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Per
Karlsson, Keijo Suila and Vesa Vainio. 

Chairman Jorma Ollila said: “Dan Hesse has a long and impressive career in the
telecommunications industry and this latest step is a great continuation on
that path. Dan has made an important contribution to the Nokia Board and we
will miss his input to the Board work.” 

About Nokia
Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transformation and growth of
the converging Internet and communications industries. Nokia makes a wide range
of mobile devices and provides people with experiences in music, navigation,
video, television, imaging, games and business mobility through these devices.
Nokia also provides equipment, solutions and services for communications
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