Incentive Scheme for Senior Executive

Stock Exchange Release no. 1/2008
Incentive Scheme for Senior Executive

A senior executive has been granted an incentive scheme containing a share
warrant scheme. 

The share warrant scheme is granted at the market share prices.

The share warrant scheme is based on two criteria: employment and results

The share warrant scheme will not be adjusted for capital increases.

Share warrants based on employment:
Period	Right to buy shares per DKK 1.25 (nom.) share	Conditions
January 1st  - December 31st 2008:	100.000 shares at DKK 6.15 per
share	Employment at Columbus IT Partner A/S December 31st 2008 
January 1st  - December 31st 2009:	100.000 shares at share trading price on
January 1st, 2009	Employment at Columbus IT Partner A/S December 31st 2009 

Share warrants based on results achieved:
Period	Right to buy shares per DKK 1.25 (nom.) share	Conditions
January 1st  - December 31st 2008:	0 - 120.000 shares at DKK 6.15 per share	1) 
Employment at Columbus IT Partner A/S December 31st 2008 

2)  Target for Group EBITDA for 2008
January 1st  - December 31st 2009:	0 - 120.000 shares at share trading price on
January 1st, 2009	1)  Employment at Columbus IT Partner A/S December 31st  2009 

2)  Target for Group EBITDA for 2009

On the basis of a Black & Scholes' calculation, the scheme has a total forecast
market value of DKK 0.8m. that will be expended in 2008 and 2009. 

Ib Kunøe 				Michael Gaardboe
Chairman of the Board		Chief Executive Officer
Columbus IT Partner A/S		Columbus IT Partner A/S

Contact for further details:
CEO, Michael Gaardboe or CFO, Heine Thorsgaard - T: (+45) 70 20 50 00.

Translation: In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the
Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing

