Name change in affiliate - fusion of two webpages and new telephone no.

January 3, 2008
Announcement no. 1, 2008

BioPorto A/S' 100 % owned affiliate AntibodyShop A/S has changed its name to
BioPorto Diagnos-tics A/S at the turn of the year. 

The name BioPorto Diagnostics signals the concern's focus on diagnostic
products and provides customers and collaboration partners with a clear image
of the company's activities. The name change supports the strategic change in
2007 aimed at creating one company primarily driven by organic growth and
through the inlicensing of new products and only secondary by acquisitions. The
name change ensures a common identity for the two companies. 

The diagnostic products and kits will be sold under the name BioPorto
Diagnostics. The name Anti-bodyShop will only be used as a product brand for
products aimed at the research segment, primar-ily antibodies. 

The two websites and have fusioned to, which now appears as a common website for the concern. In
everyday language BioPorto A/S and BioPorto Diagnostics A/S will both be called

At the same time BioPorto A/S' changes its phone and fax numbers and the
companies will have shared main lines - tel. no. (+45) 45 29 00 00 and fax no.
(+45) 45 29 00 01. 

Further information:
Christina Tønnesen, Investor Relations	
Tel. no. (+45) 45 29 00 00, e-mail

About BioPorto:

BioPorto develops and markets antibodies and antibody-based products, including
tests to diagnose human disease, both for the benefit of individual patients
and to promote efficiency in the health sector. The Company's developments
include a test (NGAL) to diagnose and monitor acute kidney damage. 

BioPorto's strategy is to develop new methods based on its antibody portfolio
that can be patented and achieve a wide use in the diagnosis of various

BioPorto was founded in 2000 and has about 25 employees. The Company's B shares
are listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen (symbol: BIOP B). BioPorto is
owned by a group of shareholders, none of whom owns more than 5%.


01 meddelelse 03.01.2008 eng.pdf