Reviewed rules for HEXTech

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki has, as from January 1, 2008, implemented revised
HEXTech index rules. 

According to the new dividend rule the index will be adjusted for cash
dividends which by the company are characterized as a special dividend and for
cash dividends which exceeds 10% of the last paid price on the Bank Day prior
to the stock being listed ex dividend. Adjustment is carried out for the part
exceeding 10% of the last paid price and for dividends that are characterized
as special dividend. 

The calculation of expiration index will be based on auto match trades carried
out in the SAXESS trading system. The requirement for external party
confirmation is removed. 

The free float factors will be calculated twice a year and included in the
February and August review. 

Please find attached new index rules.


hextechrules20080102.pdf hextech_new_rules_eng.pdf