Share buyback


3 January 2008

Share buyback

IC Companys A/S has begun share buyback 3 January 2008

The  Group's  cash  position  is  developing  as  expected,  and  the
announced share buyback  for 2007/08  has commenced  as planned.  The
total share buyback is  expected to amount  to approximately DKK  200
million in the period until 30 June 2008.

The share buyback will be effected within the authorisation given  to
the Board of Directors at  the company's annual general meeting  held
on 24 October  2007 to  acquire own  shares up  to 10%  of the  share

The first share buyback  programme amounts to DKK  70 million and  is
expected to be implemented  in the period from  3 January 2008 to  28
February 2008.

The Programme is being implemented in accordance with the  provisions
of the European Commission's regulation no. 2273/2003 of 22  December
2003 which  protects listed  companies against  violation of  insider
legislation in connection with share buybacks. The detailed terms  of
the share buyback are provided below.

IC Companys A/S  has appointed SEB  Enskilda as lead  manager of  the
Programme. SEB Enskilda  will, under  a separate  agreement with  the
company, buy  back shares  on  behalf of  IC  Companys A/S  and  make
decisions in respect of IC  Companys A/S shares independently of  and
without influence  from IC  Companys  A/S as  to  the timing  of  the
purchases,  and  will  complete  the  buyback  within  the  mentioned
framework of the Programme as set out in this announcement.

The purpose of the Programme is to reduce IC Companys' share capital.
Accordingly, the  Board of  Directors  will, not  later than  at  the
company's next annual  general meeting, submit  a proposal to  reduce
the share  capital by  a  nominal amount  that  will, as  a  minimum,
correspond to  the nominal  value of  the share  capital bought  back
under the Programme.

IC Companys has the right to discontinue the buyback during the  term
of the Programme  in the  event of  material adverse  changes in  the
company's financial position  or material changes  in the market.  In
the event  such  a  decision  is  made,  IC  Companys  will  make  an
announcement thereof. SEB Enskilda will then no longer be entitled to
buy  shares  on  behalf  of  IC  Companys  under  the  Programme   in
consequence of the termination of the Programme.

In addition, the  Programme will be  implemented under the  following

* The maximum aggregate consideration for IC Companys' shares bought
  back will be DKK 70 million.
* A maximum of 6,612 shares will be bought back during any one single
  trading day, equal to 25% of the average daily trading volume of IC
  Companys' shares on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange during the month
  of December 2007. The maximum number of shares allowed to be bought
  back under the first Programme is 271.092.
* In transactions undertaken under the Programme, shares will not be
  bought at prices exceeding the higher of: (i) the share price of
  the latest independent transaction and (ii) the highest independent
  bid (highest buyer's bid) on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.
* At least once every seven trading days, the company will issue an
  announcement in respect of transactions made under the Programme.

IC Companys A/S

President & CEO


Henrik Theilbjørn, President & CEO                     Chris  Bigler,
Tel +45 3266 7646                                 Tel +45 3266 7017

 This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the
event of any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the
                    Danish version shall prevail

IC Companys A/S - Raffinaderivej 10 - DK 2300 Copenhagen S - tel. +45
3266 7788 - fax +45 3266 7703 - CVR no. 62 81 64 14


Share buyback