DGAP-News: TFG Capital AG: Two exits at the close of the financial year generate significant increase in earnings

TFG Capital AG Unternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft / Miscellaneous


Release of a Corporate-announcement, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
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Marl, 8 January 2008 – With two sales from its investment portfolio
concluded in December 2007, TFG Capital AG
Unternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft (ISIN: DE0007449506) will
significantly increase its earnings for the 2007 financial year, compared
to the previous year’s earnings of EUR 0,23 per share. The provisional
results will be published in February 2008.

Kisters AG: Sucessful exit for the market leader in energy data management

With the sale of its 19.75 percent stake in Kisters AG, Aachen, in December
2007, TFG Capital generated earnings of approximately EUR 0.38 per share.
Since TFG’s entry in 1999, Kisters AG has multiplied its sales. During that
phase, the company successfully developed from a firm of consultant
engineers into a software company with an international scope of activities
and a worldwide customer base, as well as more than 240 employees in 10
locations in Germany and offices in France, Spain, the United States, China
and Australia. Today, the company is the market leader for energy data
management systems in Germany. Among its customers are practically all of
Europe’s major energy corporations, including E.ON, RWE, Endesa and Enel.

Epigap Optoelektronik GmbH: Jenoptik buys 100 percent of the shares 

With effect of 31 December 2007, Jenoptik AG (ISIN: DE0006229107) bought
100 percent of the shares in Epigap Optoelektronik GmbH, Berlin, thus
strengthening its optical systems division. Epigap specialises in the
development and manufacture of selective photo diodes, LED (light emitting
diode) chips and components as well as optoelectronic modules and sensor
elements. The photo diodes are distinguished by a very high temperature
stability and are accurately designed for specific light wave lengths (high
spectral selectivity). Epigap products are used mainly in the automotive
industry, medical technology, the military and security industry and in
lighting technology.

TFG Capital AG had held investments in Epigap since 1998. With the revenue
from the sale of its 6.97 percent stake in the capital stock, TFG realised
a positive return on its investment. With almost 50 employees, Epigap
generated sales in the middle one-digit million euro range in 2007. The
parties agreed not to disclose the purchase price. Previous investors of
Epigap were both the company management and a consortium of venture capital
and financial investors consisting of IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH,
Berlin, eCAPITAL entrepreneurial Partners AG & Co. UBG KG, Münster, BLS
Technologie Fonds GmbH, Berlin, TFG Technologie-Fonds II GmbH & Co.
Beteiligungen KG, Frankfurt, TFG Capital AG, Marl, as well as IKB Private
Equity GmbH, Dusseldorf.

'With the two exits we have once again significantly exceeded our good
results of the previous financial year 2007, as forecast. Both sales
generated attractive multiples on the invested capital.'

About TFG Capital

TFG Capital AG (ISIN: DE0007449506) is a capital investment company listed
in the General Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. During the more
than 12 years of its history, the company has played a decisive role in
shaping the - as yet still young - market for investment capital in
Germany. The TFG Capital portfolio currently comprises over 20 investments.
In addition to commitments in listed small and micro caps, TFG focuses on
targeted investments in non-listed expansion candidates and strives for
increased value of the existing portfolio via the active further
development of the individual investments.


TFG Capital AG       
Phone : +49 (0)2365-97800      
E-mail: investorrelations@tfg.de    

IR.on AG 
Fabian Kirchmann
Phone: +49 (0)221-9140970
E-mail: info@ir-on.com
DGAP 08.01.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       TFG Capital AG Unternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft
              Mainstraße 16
              45768 Marl
Phone:        +49 (0)2365  97 80 - 0
Fax:          +49 (0)2365 97 80 - 33
E-mail:       investorrelations@tfg.de
Internet:     www.tfg.de
ISIN:         DE0007449506
WKN:          744950
Listed:       Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (General Standard);
              Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München,
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