OMX to deliver and host new trading solution for Agora-X - a new OTC commodity marketplace

OMX, a leading expert in the exchange industry, has signed an agreement with
Agora-X, a new US-based marketplace for over-the-counter (OTC) commodity
contracts. According to the agreement, OMX will provide a complete hardware,
software and operations solution to support Agora-X's new ECN platform. The new
platform is scheduled for launch in mid-2008. 

Agora-X is a Delaware limited liability company based in Kansas City, MO.
Founded by FCStone Group, Inc., a global leader in commodity risk management,
the company was formed to develop an electronic communications network (ECN)
for OTC commodity contracts designed to help eligible institutional
participants achieve strategic advantage in the rapidly growing OTC commodities
market. While designed for a wide range of contract types, the ECN will
initially target OTC option “look-alikes” in specific energy and agricultural
commodities, as well as all commodity swaps. 

“The growth of the overall commodities and commodities derivatives markets in
combination with the increased role of financial institutions in these markets
underscore the growing need to provide efficient intermediation of transactions
for institutional players in these markets,” said Brent M. Weisenborn, CEO of
Agora-X. “Currently no platform exists that encompasses the scope of Agora-X's
projected range of business activity. Agora-X's compelling business model and
best-of-breed technology, supplied by OMX, will create that platform and
provide the liquidity necessary to fully expand this market segment. ” 

OMX will provide Agora-X with a complete technology solution including license,
customization, implementation, hosting and ongoing monitoring, maintenance and
support. The platform is highly scalable and has a proven history of
adaptability which will enable Agora-X to easily adapt to regulatory changes
and add new commodity types. The platform is built with an open architecture
API (Application Programming Interface) which provides the flexibility to
accommodate multiple front end solutions. 

“We are delighted that Agora-X has chosen OMX as its technology partner to
launch this exciting new marketplace for OTC commodity contracts,” said Markus
Gerdien, President of Market Technology at OMX. “This appointment reinforces
our position as the world's leading provider of exchange technology solutions,
independently of asset class, and acknowledges both our financial industry
expertise and deep technology resources. We look forward to working closely
with Agora-X to help them build and launch this new marketplace.” 

For more information, please contact:
Jonas Rodny, OMX					+46 8 405 72 67
Richard M. Johnson, Agora-X					+1 913 649 8885
Bill Dunaway, FCStone Group					+1 816 457 6246

About OMX | OMX is a leading expert in the exchange industry. The OMX Nordic
Exchange comprises over 800 companies including its alternative market, First
North. OMX provides technology to over 60 exchanges, clearing organizations and
central securities depositories in over 50 countries. The Nordic Exchange is
not a legal entity but describes the combined offering from OMX exchanges in
Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Iceland, Tallinn Riga and Vilnius. OMX is a
Nordic Large Cap company in the Financials sector on the OMX Nordic Exchange.
For more information, please visit 

About Agora-X | Agora-X, LLC is a developmental stage company that is currently
wholly owned by FCStone Group, Inc.  It plans to develop an institutional ECN
for OTC commodities contracts in collaboration with major institutional
commodities market participants. The Agora-X platform is designed to enable
institutional participants to anonymously obtain best prices in a more
liquid/transparent marketplace.  By efficiently monetizing/internalizing their
internal order flow in this market segment, institutional players should
achieve a strategic advantage.  The Agora-X ECN is scheduled to launch in
mid-2008. For more information please visit 

About FCStone Group, Inc. | FCStone Group, Inc., along with its affiliates, is
an integrated commodity risk management company providing risk management
consulting and transaction execution services to commercial commodity
intermediaries, end-users and producers. The firm assists primarily middle
market customers in optimizing their profit margins and mitigating exposure to
commodity price risk.  In addition, FCStone, LLC operates one of the leading
independent clearing and execution platforms for exchange-traded futures and
options contracts. FCStone Group, Inc. serves more than 7,500 customers.  In
the 12 months ending August 31, 2007, FCStone executed 61.7 million derivative
contracts in the exchange-traded and OTC markets.  The FCStone Group companies
work in all major commodity areas including agriculture, energy, renewable
fuels, foods, forestry, and currency exchange.  Headquartered in the Midwest,
it has offices located throughout the world and is a clearing member of all
major North American Futures exchanges.  FCStone Group, Inc. trades on the
NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol FCSX. 

Forward Looking Statements
This press release may include forward-looking statements regarding, among
other things, our plans, strategies and prospects, both business and financial.
All statements other than statements of current or historical fact contained in
this press release are forward-looking statements. The words ``believe,''
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We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current
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strategy and financial needs. They can be affected by inaccurate assumptions,
including the risks, uncertainties and assumptions described in the Company's
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uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking statements in this press
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result of new information, future events or otherwise. 

