The Nykredit Group - financial calendar for 2008

7 February, Preliminary announcements of annual reports of the Nykredit
Realkredit Group, Totalkredit A/S and the Nykredit Bank Group. 

Annual reports for 2007 of the Nykredit Realkredit Group, Totalkredit A/S and
the Nykredit Bank Group (pdf). 

11 March, General meeting of Nykredit Bank A/S at Nykredit, Kalvebod Brygge
1-3, DK-1780 Copenhagen V. 

26 March, General Meeting of Totalkredit A/S, Helgeshøj Allé 53, DK-2630

27 March, General meeting of Nykredit Realkredit A/S at Nykredit, Kalvebod
Brygge 1-3, DK-1780 Copenhagen V. 

15 May, Q1 interim reports of the Nykredit Realkredit Group, Totalkredit A/S
and the Nykredit Bank Group. 

14 August, H1 interim reports of the Nykredit Realkredit Group, Totalkredit A/S
and the Nykredit Bank Group. 

6 November, Q1-Q3 interim reports of the Nykredit Realkredit Group, Totalkredit
A/S and the Nykredit Bank Group. 

Published announcements are available on Nykredit's website at


nykredits financial calendar for 2008.pdf