Vaisala signs a significant radiosonde contract

Stock Exchange Release,  January 8, 2008 at 10:30

Vaisala has signed a significant contract with a long standing
customer for upper air observation products. The EUR 8.3 million
contract includes radiosondes and accessories. The deliveries will
take place in 2008.

Radiosondes are meteorological devices that are used to measure
pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction in the
upper atmosphere. The radiosonde reaches altitude up to 30 kilometers
and transmits continuous data to ground equipment during its ascent.
The ground-based sounding system processes and converts the data into
meteorological weather messages.

For more information:
Erkki Järvinen, Director, Vaisala Measurement Systems, phone: +358 40
5491 891
Jouni Lintunen, CFO, phone: +358 40 5790 181

The Vaisala Group is a successful international technology company
that develops and manufactures electronic measurement products and
solutions and related services. Application areas include
meteorology, environmental sciences, traffic and industry. The
Vaisala Group employs over 1,000 professionals. In 2006, Vaisala
achieved net sales of EUR 220.8 million. Vaisala operates and serves
its customers globally. In 2006, operations outside Finland accounted
for 97% of net sales. Parent company Vaisala Oyj, domicile in
Finland, is listed on the Nordic Exchanges, in Helsinki.