CORRECTION to announcement 05.12.07 by major shareholder Tronosjet airplane Inc.

Correction made to the previous announcement 05.12.07 regarding the name of the
major shareholder. The formally correct party holding the shares is a Faroese
registered limited liability company, called "sp/f 07.12.07" with address in
Tróndargøta 19, FO-100 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. This company, sp/f 07.12.07 is
owned by Tronosjet airplane Inc. or one of its associated companies or persons. 


Nafn tilkynningarskylds aðila/Name of party notifying                           
Sp/f 07.12.07                       

Heimilisfang/Address of the party notifying                                     
Tróndargøta 19
FO-100 Tórshavn
Faroe Islands

Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction                                        
28 November 2007                                                             

Fjöldi hluta í viðskiptum/Number of shares in transaction                       

Atkvæðisréttur eftir viðskipti/Voting right after the transaction               
Fjöldi hluta fyrir viðskipti/Number of shares before the transaction            

Fjöldi hluta eftir viðskipti/Number of shares after the transaction             

Hlutfall af heildarhlutafé fyrir viðskipti %/Holdings of total nominal value
before the transaction % 

Hlutfall af heildarhlutafé eftir viðskipti %/Holdings of total nominal value
after the transaction % 