Affecto supplies a new case management solution to the Finnish Ministry of Education


Affecto supplies a new case management solution to the Finnish Ministry of

The Finnish Ministry of Education has chosen the Finnish IT service company
Affecto to be the supplier of its new case management solution in a public
bidding contest. The new solution makes the operations within the Ministry's
administrative branch more efficient as it speeds up the maintenance and
management of various electronic processes, such as electronic services and
digital signatures. The organizations involved in this project are the Ministry
of Education, the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE), the National
Board of Antiquities, the Arts Council of Finland and Regional Arts Councils.
FNBE will be the first one to implement the new solution in coming October. 

The new agreement signed by the Ministry of Education and Affecto is a
continuation to their previous cooperation. The new solution replaces the
Ministry's previous case management solution that Affecto supplied already in
1995. The total value of the agreement is around one million euros. The
delivery of the new system starts immediately and the Ministry will take it in
use at the beginning of 2009. 

The case management solution includes all the work processes related to
official document management and administrational case register. The system
also covers document archiving, workflows and customer data management. As a
first part of the whole solution Affecto will deliver the electronic process
for government grants. The solution will be based on Open Text technology and
Microsoft SharePoint solution. 

"The features and costs of Affecto's solution met our requirements for the new
system best. Furthermore, our long cooperation has been very successful and we
are happy to continue with Affecto in this project which is very significant to
us," says Irma Nieminen, Head of Information Management, Ministry of Education. 

"The demand for enterprise content management solutions is increasing as
organisations seek for solutions that make their operations more efficient and
speed up their services. We have developed our ECM solutions actively in order
to meet the increasing needs of our customers. We also appreciate long customer
relations very much. Therefore we find it very pleasing to continue our
cooperation with the Ministry," states Ray Byman, Senior Vice President,
Operational Solutions, Affecto Finland. 

For further information, please, contact:
Affecto Finland, SVP Ray Byman, Operational Solutions, tel. +358 205 777 823
Ministry of Education, Head of Information Management, Irma Nieminen, 
tel. +358 9 1607 7379


affecto_opetusministerio 14 01 2008 eng.pdf