Financial calendar for 2008

Release no. 2 - 2008
To OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S

This is a translation of the Danish version.
Only the Danish version is legally binding.

Hovedgaden 584, Entrance C
DK2640 Hedehusene
Phone: +45 4656 0300

14 January 2008

Financial calendar for 2008

Rockwool International A/S expects the presentation of accounts, investors'
meetings with web casts and the general meeting to take place on the following

Silence period before Q4: 19 February - 12 March 2008
Annual Report for 2007: 12 March 2008
Investors' meeting with audio transmission on the internet: 12 March 2008
Investors' meeting with video transmission on the internet: 13 March 2008

Annual general meeting: 23 April 2008

Silence period before Q1: 30 April - 22 May 2008
Report on the 1st quarter of 2008: 22 May 2008
Investors' meeting with audio transmission on the internet: 22 May 2008

Silence period before Q2: 6 August - 28 August 2008
Report on the 1st half-year of 2008: 28 August 2008
Investors' meeting with audio transmission on the internet: 28 August 2008
Investors' meeting with video transmission on the internet: 29 August 2008

Silence period before Q3: 29 October - 20 November 2008
Report on the 1st-3rd quarter of 2008: 20 November 2008
Investors' meeting with audio transmission on the internet: 20 November 2008

Further information:
Thorkild Diness Jensen
Vice President Group Communications
Rockwool International A/S
+45 46 56 03 00

