FL Group signs a Market Making Agreement with Saga Capital and Glitnir bank

Reykjavik, Iceland, 15 January 2008 - FL Group, the international investment
company, today announces that it has signed market-making agreements with Saga
Capital and Glitnir bank, where they will act as market makers for shares
issued by FL Group. This means that both parties will separately submit daily
bid/ask offers for shares in FL Group through OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland
before the market opens each day on offers that will only be valid within that
day. The purpose of the agreement is to facilitate trading and improve
liquidity in FL Group's shares on the OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland and to
promote efficient and transparent price formation. 

The terms of the market making agreements are as follows:

Both parties will submit daily bid and offer quotes for shares in FL Group for
a minimum of ISK 500,000 at nominal value at a price determined by the parties 

Maximum bid/ask spread shall not exceed 1.0% and the deviation from the  last
transaction price shall not exceed 2.0% 

The maximum obligated total trades per day is ISK 200,000,000 at market value

The agreement is effective as of today, 15 January 2008.

Further information:

Halldor Kristmannsson
Managing Director of Corporate Communications and IR 	
Tel:  (+354) 591 4400
E-mail: halldor@flgroup.is

About FL Group 
FL Group is an international investment company focusing on three areas of
investment, Financial and Insurance (FIG), Private Equity and Capital Markets. 
FIG is a special investment function responsible for strategic investments in
banking, insurance and other financials.  Private Equity oversees FL Group‘s
private equity holdings in addition to some listed positions that fit specific
investment criteria.  The company's Capital Markets function oversees
investments in listed securities as well as derivatives and other alternative
trading for hedging or investment purposes. 

With head office in Reykjavik and an office in London, FL Group invests in
companies worldwide.  The Company is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in
Reykjavik, Iceland (OMX: FL), with over 4,000 shareholders. 
More information on www.flgroup.is