Drawing rates

To OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen 	
18 January 2008                              
Announcement no. 7/2008                                                    


Drawing rates                                                                   

Attached, please find a file containing data on drawing rates for bonds issued  
by BRFkredit, in accordance with Schema A of the Handbook for Issuers on the    
Copenhagen Stock Exchange.                                                      

This announcement is provided in order to comply with the Transparency          
Directive's disclosure requirements. The attached information will also be made 
available by the OMX in its usual way.                                          

Yours sincerely                                                                 

BRFkredit a/s                                                                   

Ulrikke Ekelund                                                                 
Chief Economist                                                                 

Direct phone (+45) 45 26 22 57                                                  
E-mail uek@brf.dk                                                               

Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevails


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