Changes in Cloetta Fazer's Board

Changes in Cloetta Fazer's Board

The independent board members of Cloetta Fazer AB Mr. Lennart Bylock and Mr.
Wilhelm Lüning have been given an assignment by the two major owners of the
company, Oy Karl Fazer Ab and AB Malfors Promotor, to suggest alternative
solutions to their long term divergence regarding ownership in Cloetta Fazer.

During the period when working with this assignment on behalf of the two major
owners, Mr. Bylock and Mr. Lüning wish to be autonomous in relation to the
company and remaining owners and have decided, in agreement with the two major
owners, to leave the board with immediate effect.

The intention is that Mr. Bylock and Mr. Lüning should deliver a suggestion to
be presented for the major owners before the Annual General Meeting, 23 April
2008. Mr. Bylock and Mr. Lüning will not be replaced during the relatively short
time remaining until the annual meeting, which has to reconsider the future
constitution of the board.

Even after the resignation of Mr. Bylock and Mr. Lüning, the constitution of the
board will comply with the rules of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance in
regards to the number of independent board members.

On top of the board assignment, Mr. Lennart Bylock has an assignment as chairman
of the nomination committee. Mr. Bylock will remain in this position following
the resignation from the Cloetta Fazer board. Mr. Bylock and Mr. Lüning have
together with the chairman been members of the remuneration committee. The board
has decided to let the full board fulfil the obligations of the remuneration
committee ahead of the annual general meeting 2008.

Mr. Lennart Bylock has been a member of the Cloetta Fazer board since 2006. He
was also a member of the board between 1994 and 2002. Mr. Bylock has a long
standing experience as CEO and chairman for several listed and non-listed
Swedish companies.

Mr. Wilhelm Lüning has been a member of the Cloetta Fazer board since 2003. He
is a lawyer specialised in corporate and stock exchange legislation. Mr Lüning
is a partner in the law firm Cederquist.

This information is such that under the Capital Markets Act Cloetta Fazer is
obligated to publish it. The information was submitted for publication on 24
January 2008 at 4.15 p.m.

Cloetta Fazer AB (publ)
The Board of Directors
Anders Dreijer, phone +46 708 12 54 22

For further information, please contact:
Lennart Bylock, phone +46 705 93 25 10
Wilhelm Lüning, phone +46 739 60 65 35

About Cloetta Fazer
Cloetta Fazer is the Nordic region's leading confectionery company, with a
market share of around 22 per cent. The company has production facilities in
Sweden and Finland. Cloetta Fazer's strength lies in its many popular brands,
such as Karl Fazer, Kexchoklad, Dumle, Geisha, Polly and Center. The average
number of employees is around 1,500 and annual sales in 2006 amounted to
approximately SEK 3 billion.

