DGAP-News: SolarWorld AG in the Olympus range

SolarWorld AG / Miscellaneous


Release of a Corporate-announcement, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Leading solar group delivers solar system to Greek mountains 

SolarWorld AG has installed sustainable solar power technology in the
Olympus mountain range. The leading international photovoltaic group has
equipped a remote mountain hut in the vastest Greek mountain range with a
solar system that will supply power to the hut. This is a further
demonstration by SolarWorld AG of the ability of state-of-the-art solar
power technology to ensure climate-friendly and affordable off-grid energy
supplies. ‘Photovoltaic technology lends itself to decentralized power
supply’, says Frank Henn, Chief Sales Officer of SolarWorld AG. ‘This does
not only apply to remote regions in modern industrialized countries. This
off-grid technology frequently is the only power supply solution that makes
economic and ecological sense, in particular in emerging economies and
developing countries which do not have a central power grid.’
The solar-powered hut in the Olympus range is located at an altitude of
2,700 metres and can only be reached via mountain trails. Pack mules were
used to carry the 25 SolarWorld modules with a total peak output capacity
of 5.2 kilowatts to the hut, alongside the battery, the rack technology and
the remaining equipment. The project was accompanied on-site by our Greek
sales partner Biosar Energy SA. The installation was realized by AIAS
Engineering Ltd.

A further peak achievement: 
’Börse Online’ readers acknowledge SolarWorld’s Investor Relations

SolarWorld AG is not only a peak performer when it comes to installing
solar systems. It has also been climbing peaks in terms of ratings by
investors and capital market observers. Hence, SolarWorld AG’s Investor
Relations department was rated the best TecDAX company in a survey among
readers of the ‘Börse Online’ business magazine. The assessment mainly
focussed on credibility and comprehensibility of the corporate
communication. ‘We are proud of the positive feedback by Börse Online
readers’, says Dipl.-Kfm. tech. Philipp Koecke, CFO of SolarWorld AG. ‘We
are pleased about this positive acknowledgement of our consistent approach
of high-quality, transparent capital market communication in combination
with a strong service orientation.’

About SolarWorld AG: The SolarWorld Group (ISIN: DE0005108401) is among the
top trio of the solar power industry worldwide. The group is dedicated
exclusively to the core business of solar energy, combining all stages of
the solar value chain, from the raw material silicon to turn-key solar
power plants. The company operates production facilities in Germany, Sweden
and the USA. In California the largest production site in the USA for solar
modules and in Oregon the largest production site in the USA for solar
wafers and cells are being created. In Freiberg in Saxony the group
operates one of the world’s most advanced integrated solar production
facilities. Among the currently most important sales markets are Germany,
the USA and in the rest of Europe especially Spain. Sales offices in
Germany, Spain, California, South Africa and Singapore service the
international solar markets. In addition to on-grid solar power products
the group increasingly distributes rural solar power solutions
internationally that can make an important contribution to the sustainable
economic development of rural regions.
After the IPO at the end of 1999, the company developed within a few years
into one of the largest fully integrated solar technology groups. At the
end of the third quarter of 2007 some 1,969 people were working for the
group. At the stock exchange SolarWorld AG is listed among others in the
technology index TecDAX, in the Öko-DAX, in the Dow Jones STOXX 600, in the
international MSCI Index as well as in the sustainability indices DAXglobal
Alternative Energy and NAI.
Over and above this SolarWorld AG is getting involved at the social policy
level in order to push ahead the principle of sustainability and to sharpen
public awareness of resource and climate protection.
Moreover, SolarWorld is involved at the sociopolitical level in order to
further the sustainability notion and raise awareness for climate and
resources protection.

SolarWorld AG Investor Relations / Marketing Communications,
Tel.-No.: +49 228 55920 -470; Fax-No.: +49 228 55920-9470,
E-mail: placement@solarworld.de   
Internet: www.solarworld.de

DGAP 24.01.2008 
Language:     English
Issuer:       SolarWorld AG
              Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 12-14
              53113 Bonn
Phone:        +49 (0)228 - 559 20 470
Fax:          +49 (0)228 - 559 20 99
E-mail:       placement@solarworld.de
Internet:     www.solarworld.de
ISIN:         DE0005108401
WKN:          510840
Indices:      TecDAX
Listed:       Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Düsseldorf;
              Freiverkehr in Berlin, München, Hamburg, Stuttgart;
              Terminbörse EUREX
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