Occidental Replaces 116 Percent of 2007 Production

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Occidental Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:OXY) announced today that in 2007 the company's consolidated subsidiaries had preliminary proved reserve additions from all sources of 242 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) compared to production of 209 million BOE, for a production replacement rate of 116 percent. Occidental incurred $4.45 billion in costs for oil and gas property acquisitions and exploration and development activities. At the end of 2007, Occidental's consolidated reserves-to-production ratio, assuming production remained at the 2007 level, was 13.7 years.

At year-end 2007, Occidental's worldwide proved reserves, on a consolidated basis, totaled 2.87 billion BOE compared to 2.83 billion BOE at the end of 2006.

The 2007 consolidated proved reserve additions totaled 242 million BOE. Improved recovery provided 104 percent of total additions, acquisitions 25 percent, extensions and discoveries 10 percent, which were partially offset by reductions in previous estimates of the total proved reserve additions.

Over 90 percent of the net additions were in the United States, with the most substantial increases in the Permian Basin, Elk Hills field and the Rocky Mountains. In the Permian Basin, the increased reserves were attributable to higher prices and enhanced recovery techniques, such as drilling and water flood wells, additional CO2 flood development programs and bolt-on acquisitions. The Elk Hills operations employ infill drilling and both gas flood and water flood techniques which contributed to their increased reserves.

In 2007, Occidental increased proved developed reserves to 80 percent of total proved reserves from 78 percent at year-end 2006. The Dolphin project transferred 101 million BOE to the proved developed category during 2007, with no remaining undeveloped reserves at December 31, 2007 for this project. In the United States, the Elk Hills field and the Permian Basin transferred 21 million BOE each into proved developed reserves from undeveloped.

For the three-year period 2005-2007, Occidental's consolidated proved reserve additions totaled 1.125 billion BOE, and total production equaled 580 million BOE, for a reserve replacement rate of 194 percent. Over the past three years, Occidental incurred $17.63 billion in costs for property acquisitions and exploration and development activities. Disclosures in this press release are for continuing operations as of December 31, 2007; accordingly, Pakistan and Horn Mountain reserves and costs have been excluded.

Occidental sold its 33 million BOE share of a Russian joint venture in January 2007. After this sale, only the minority shareholder's interest in a Colombian affiliate and an equity investment in Yemen remain classified in other interests.

About Oxy

Occidental Petroleum Corporation is an international oil and gas exploration and production company with operations in the United States, Middle East/North Africa and Latin America regions. Oxy is the fourth largest U.S. oil and gas company, based on equity market capitalization. Oxy's wholly owned subsidiary, OxyChem, manufactures and markets chlor-alkali products and vinyls. Occidental is committed to safeguarding the environment, protecting the safety and health of employees and neighboring communities and upholding high standards of social responsibility in all of the company's worldwide operations.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this release that contain words such as "will," "expect" or "estimate," or otherwise relate to the future, are forward-looking and involve risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect expected results. Factors that could cause results to differ materially include, but are not limited to: exploration risks, such as drilling of unsuccessful wells; global commodity pricing fluctuations and supply/demand considerations for oil, gas and chemicals; higher-than-expected costs; political risk; operational interruptions; changes in tax rates and not successfully completing (or any material delay in) any expansion, capital expenditure, acquisition, or disposition. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements which speak only as of the date of this release. Unless legally required, Occidental does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. U.S. investors are urged to consider carefully the disclosure in our Form 10-K, available through the following toll-free telephone number, 1-888-OXYPETE (1-888-699-7383) or on the Internet at http://www.oxy.com. You also can obtain a copy from the SEC by calling 1-800-SEC-0330.


 The following table sets forth Occidental's net interests in
 quantities of proved developed and undeveloped reserves of crude
 oil, condensate and natural gas, and changes in such quantities.
 Crude oil reserves (in millions of barrels) include condensate.
 Natural gas volumes (in billion cubic feet) have been converted to
 barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) based on energy content of 6,000
 cubic feet of gas to one barrel of oil.

                                     Consolidated         Other
                                     Subsidiaries       Interests
                                  ----------------- -----------------
 (million BOE)                      Oil   Gas   BOE   Oil   Gas   BOE
 ===============================  ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
 Balance at December 31, 2004     1,858 2,851 2,334    43    --    43
  Revisions of previous estimates   (18)   21   (15)    8     6     9
  Improved recovery                 107   129   129    --    --    --
  Extensions and discoveries         46   427   117     1    --     1
  Purchases of proved reserves      112   164   139    --    --    --
  Sales of proved reserves           (8)   (3)   (9)   --    --    --
  Production                       (135) (215) (171)   (7)   (6)   (8)
 -------------------------------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
 Balance at December 31, 2005     1,962 3,374 2,524    45    --    45
  Revisions of previous estimates    21   (31)   16    (7)    8    (6)
  Improved recovery                 116   127   137    (1)   --    (1)
  Extensions and discoveries         24    58    34    --    --    --
  Purchases of proved reserves      254   435   326    --    --    --
  Sales of proved reserves           (4)   (2)   (4)   --    --    --
  Production                       (160) (237) (200)   (7)   (8)   (8)
 -------------------------------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
 Balance at December 31, 2006     2,213 3,724 2,833    30    --    30
  Revisions of previous estimates   (80)  (90)  (95)   --    --    --
  Improved recovery                 183   417   253     1    --     1
  Extensions and discoveries         18    35    24    (1)   --    (1)
  Purchases of proved reserves       57    18    60    --    --    --
  Sales of proved reserves           --    --    --   (33)   --   (33)
  Production                       (165) (261) (209)    1    --     1
 -------------------------------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
 Balance at December 31, 2007     2,226 3,843 2,866    (2)   --    (2)
 ===============================  ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
  December 31, 2004               1,511 1,728 1,799    37    --    37
 ===============================  ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
  December 31, 2005               1,537 1,906 1,855    37    --    37
 ===============================  ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
  December 31, 2006               1,771 2,637 2,211    23    --    23
 ===============================  ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
  December 31, 2007               1,788 3,069 2,300    (2)   --    (2)
 ===============================  ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====

 (a) Approximately three percent of the proved developed oil
     reserves and approximately 14 percent of the proved developed gas
     reserves at December 31, 2007 are non-producing. Occidental's
     plans are to begin producing these reserves in 2008.


 Occidental's 2007, 2006 and 2005 costs incurred in oil and gas
 property acquisition, exploration and development activities, whether
 capitalized or expensed, were as follows:

                                     Consolidated         Other
 (in millions)                       Subsidiaries       Interests (b)
 ===============================  ================= =================
 DECEMBER 31, 2007
  Property Acquisition Costs
    Proved Properties                   $ 1,016           $    --
    Unproved Properties                     119                --
  Exploration Costs                         331                (4)
  Development Costs                       2,987                 7
                                        -------           -------
 Costs Incurred                         $ 4,453           $     3
 ================================       =======           =======
 DECEMBER 31, 2006
  Property Acquisition Costs (a)
    Proved Properties                   $ 4,899           $    --
    Unproved Properties                   1,142                --
  Exploration Costs                         313                 1
  Development Costs                       2,518                32
                                        -------           -------
 Costs Incurred                         $ 8,872           $    33
 ================================       =======           =======
 DECEMBER 31, 2005
  Property Acquisition Costs
    Proved Properties                   $ 1,782           $    --
    Unproved Properties                     398                --
  Exploration Costs                         232                (2)
  Development Costs                       1,890                15
                                        -------           -------
 Costs Incurred                         $ 4,302           $    13
 ================================       =======           =======

 (a) Includes acquisition costs and related step-up for deferred
     income taxes of $1.34 billion for the purchase of Vintage
     Petroleum Inc. There was no goodwill recorded for this
 (b) Includes equity investees' costs in Russia (sold in 2007) and
     Yemen, partially offset by minority interests in a Colombian



                Reserve                         Costs
               Additions       Production      Incurred
             (Million BOE)   (Million BOE)   ($ Millions)
 =========   =============   =============   ============
 2003             336             166            1,501
 2004             241             166            1,700
 2005             370             171            4,302
 2006             513             200            8,872*
 2007             242             209            4,453

 Average          375             193            5,876

 Average          340             182            4,166

 Reserves Replacement
 (Million BOE)

                        Improved   Extensions
            Revisions   Recovery   Discoveries  Acquisitions  Total
 =========  =========  ==========  ===========  ============  =====
 2003            5         96          128           107       336
 2004           50        110           41            40       241
 2005          (15)       129          117           139       370
 2006           16        137           34           326       513
 2007          (95)       253           24            60       242

 Average       (31)       173           58           175       375

 Average        (8)       145           69           134       340

 Costs Incurred
 ($ Millions)
                             Exploration    Development
             Acquisitions       Costs          Costs      Total
 =========   ============   ============   ============   =====

 2003             368             80           1,053      1,501
 2004             166            132           1,402      1,700
 2005           2,180            232           1,890      4,302
 2006           6,041            313           2,518      8,872*
 2007           1,135            331           2,987      4,453

 Average        3,119            292           2,465      5,876

 Average        1,978            218           1,970      4,166

 * Includes acquisition costs and related step-up for deferred
   income taxes of $1.34 billion for the purchase of Vintage
   Petroleum Inc.  There was no goodwill recorded for this



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