Carnegie recognized as Fund Manager of the Year

Carnegie recognized as Fund Manager of the Year

Carnegie was named by the business magazine Privata Affärer as Fund Manager of
the Year. The magazine's motivation is that Carnegie over a long period has
provided fund management of high and consistent quality through which several
funds significantly exceeded their index. At the same time, Carnegie's largest
single fund. Carnegie WorldWide, was named as the winner in the category global

“This is an award of distinction that shows that our model with a strongly
management-oriented culture is successful. Because we do not have a large
distribution network, management excellence is absolutely essential for
success,” says Per Axman, Head of Carnegie Asset Management and Private Banking.

Carnegie, which is an independent firm in the Nordic mutual fund market, has 40
managers who are responsible for investments valued at about SEK 140 billion.

“Fund management is one of Carnegie's prioritized growth areas. During the first
nine months of the last year, the net inflow was SEK 6.5 billion. This also
shows that customers have great confidence in our ability to deliver results,”
continues Per Axman.

The magazine's jury also recognized Safety 90 Sweden and Safety 90 BRIC as
examples of innovative product development. And the Carnegie World Wide
Long/Short hedge fund was one of three nominated in the hedge fund category.

The fund data company Moneymate provides the fund information that is used by
the jury. 

For further information, please contact:

Per Axman, Group Head of Asset Management and Private Banking + 46 (0)8-5886 90
Andreas Koch, Head of Communications and Investor Relations, +46 (0)8-676 86 39

Carnegie is a leading independent investment bank with Nordic focus. Carnegie
provides value-added services in securities brokering, investment banking, asset
management, and private banking, as well as pension advisory services to
institutions, corporations and private clients. Carnegie has approximately 1,100
employees in eight countries and is listed on the Nordic Exchange.

