Results of operations for the 4th quarter and 2007 financial year (EEK)

MANAGEMENT REPORT                                                               
RESULTS OF OPERATIONS - FOR THE 4th QUARTER 2007                                

2007 Overview                                                                   

In 2007 the Company's total sales increased, year on year, by 18.4% to 820.8 mln
EEK. Total water and sewerage services sales volumes increased by 0.3%. Sales to
residential customers increased by 10.5% year on year, sales to commercial      
customers within the service area increased by 7.5% year on year, and sales to  
commercial customers outside of the service area increased by 32.2% reaching    
2.46 mln m3 or 17.7 mln EEK year on year. The Company's profit before taxes was 
333.1 mln EEK, which is a 12.9% increase compared to 2006. The Company invested 
285.9 mln EEK, of which 143.7 mln EEK was invested in network extension and     

| mln EEK            |  4 Q  |  4 Q  | Change  |    12    |    12    | Change  |
|                    | 2007  | 2006  |         |  months  |  months  |         |
|                    |       |       |         |   2007   |   2006   |         |
| Sales              | 270,3 | 207,5 |   30,3% |    820,8 |    693,2 |   18,4% |
| Main operating     | 165,7 | 148,9 |   11,3% |    648,3 |    589,2 |   10,0% |
| activities         |       |       |         |          |          |         |
| Other operating    | 104,6 |  58,6 |   78,5% |    172,4 |    104,0 |   65,7% |
| activities         |       |       |         |          |          |         |
| Gross profit       | 111,6 |  93,6 |   19,3% |    445,9 |    375,6 |   18,7% |
| Gross profit       | 41,3% | 45,1% |   -8,5% |    54,3% |    54,2% |    0,3% |
| margin %           |       |       |         |          |          |         |
| Operating profit   |  93,4 |  74,4 |   25,4% |    377,4 |    337,9 |   11,7% |
| Operating profit   | 34,5% | 35,9% |   -3,7% |    46,0% |    48,7% |   -5,7% |
| margin %           |       |       |         |          |          |         |
| Profit before      |  82,0 |  63,1 |   29,9% |    333,1 |    294,9 |   12,9% |
| taxes              |       |       |         |          |          |         |
| Profit before      | 30,3% | 30,4% |   -0,3% |    40,6% |    42,5% |   -4,6% |
| taxes margin %     |       |       |         |          |          |         |
| Net profit         |  82,0 |  63,1 |   29,9% |    277,8 |    248,0 |   12,0% |
| ROA %              |  3,3% |  2,6% |   28,3% |    11,4% |    10,3% |   10,6% |
| Debt to total      | 51,8% | 53,4% |   -3,0% |    51,8% |    53,4% |   -3,0% |
| capital employed   |       |       |         |          |          |         |

Gross profit margin - Gross profit / Net sales                                  
Operating profit margin - Operating profit / Net sales                          
Profit before taxes margin - Profit before taxes / Net sales                    
ROA - Net profit /Total Assets                                                  
Debt to Total capital employed - Total Liabilities / Total capital employed     

Profit and Loss Statement                                                       

4th quarter 2007                                                                


In the 4th quarter of 2007 the Company's total sales increased, year on year, by
30.3% to 270.3 mln EEK.  Sales from the Company's main operating activities were
165.7 mln EEK. Sales in the main operating activity principally comprise of     
sales of water and treatment of wastewater to domestic and commercial customers 
within and outside of the service area, and fees received from the City of      
Tallinn for operating and maintaining the storm water system.                   

Sales of water and wastewater treatment were 151.8 mln EEK, a 9.5% increase     
compared to the 4th quarter of 2006, resulting from the 10.8% increase in       
tariffs from 1 January 2007 for the Company's residential and commercial        
customers combined with the factors described below.                            

Included within this amount were the following increases by sector: Sales to    
residential customers increased by 10.4% to 80.6 mln EEK. Sales to commercial   
customers within the service area increased by 7.9% to 63.6 mln EEK. Sales to   
commercial customers outside of the service area - primarily bulk volumes of    
wastewater treatment services provided to the surrounding municipalities -      
increased by 24.7% reaching 711 000 m3 or 4.9 mln EEK. Over pollution fees      
received were 0.1 mln EEK lower than in the 4th quarter of 2006.                

In the 4th quarter of 2007, the volumes sold to residential customers stayed at 
a similar level to that in 2006. Volumes sold in 2007 have dropped 0.3% or 90   
thousand m3, mainly because of the rainy summer in 2007 (compared to 2006) when 
water used for gardening purposes reduced considerably. This loss of sales is   
more than recovered (+3 mln EEK extra sales as specified below) in the storm    
water disposal and fire hydrant services line, as due to the rainy year, the    
treatment volumes of storm water increased.                                     

The volumes sold to commercial customers inside the service area decreased      
compared to the relevant period in 2006 due to several factors combined. Most of
the reduction in sales volumes in Tallinn is due to companies moving to the     
surrounding municipalities, attracted by cheaper real estate prices. Most of    
these customers are re-captured through the bulk-supply contracts signed with   
the surrounding municipalities, but not always. For example in the 2nd quarter  
of 2007, one of the Company's biggest industrial customers moved its facilities 
out of our area, resulting in a volume loss of 68 000 m3 in the 4th quarter     
only. We have recognized that the overall economic situation and the heat on the
real estate market have also had a negative effect on the Company's commercial  

Statistics show, that starting from May the tourist flow to Tallinn has slowed  
down, still exceeding 2005 level, but slightly below 2006. Also the real estate 
market seems to have reached a point of stagnation. Even though the number of   
new apartments and business buildings constructed in Tallinn has continued to   
increase, a large share of new buildings remain vacant as commercial customers  
as well as people in need of space are moving to surrounding areas due to more  
affordable real estate prices. This trend is also reflected in the Company's    
sales to surrounding areas, which has increased by 24.7% compared to the same   
period last year.                                                               

The sales from the operation and maintenance of the stormwater and firehydrant  
system increased by 36.8% to 11.4 mln EEK in the 4th quarter of 2007 compared to
the same period in 2006. This is in accordance with the terms and conditions of 
the contract whereby the storm water and fire hydrant costs are invoiced based  
on actual costs and volumes treated. This is contractually agreed up to 2020.   

Sales revenues from other operating activities, mainly connections and storm    
water construction, totaled 104.6 mln EEK which is 46 mln EEK higher than in the
4th quarter of 2006. This line depends on construction completion and the       
revenue is recorded when it is probable that the revenues will flow to the      

Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Margin                                             

The cost of goods sold for the main operating activity was 59.5 mln EEK in the  
4th quarter of 2007, an increase of 1.3 mln EEK or 2.1% from the equivalent     
period in 2006.                                                                 
In the 4th quarter of 2007 the Company has for the fourth successive quarter    
recorded zero failures in all pollution measures taken, and as a result the     
amount of pollution tax payable reduced by 1.7 mln EEK in quarter, partly       
balanced by increase in tax rates year on year by 20%.                          

The chemical costs decreased although larger amount of wastewater was treated in
the 4th quarter of 2007 compared to the 4th quarter of 2006. The decrease was   
mainly due to fluctuations in methanol price, which was extremely high in 4th   
quarter 2006. The chemical costs were 5.2 mln EEK, which represents a 14.5%     
decrease compared to the corresponding period in 2006.                          

Electricity costs increased by 0.2 mln EEK or 3.7% due to higher electricity    
prices and the increased volume of wastewater treated in the 4th quarter of 2007
compared to the 4th quarter of 2006.                                            

Salaries expenses increased by 2.9 mln EEK or 23%, partly as a consequence of   
the highly competitive labour market and rapidly growing salaries, but the 4th  
quarter is also impacted by the annual bonuses and correction of the holiday    
reserve. Eliminating the 4th quarter exceptional items the salaries increase is 
still in all categories below the overall increase in average salaries in the   
Estonian market, which according to the latest statistics has increased by more 
than 20% year on year.                                                          

Other cost of goods sold in the main operating activity increased by 0.4 mln    
EEK, or 4.3% year on year. In the 4th quarter other costs increased due to      
increased costs on a number of support services contracts, such as transport,   
security services, reflecting the significant increase in labour costs in       

As a result of all of the above the Company's gross profit for the 4th quarter  
of 2007 was 111.6 mln EEK, which represents an increase of 18 mln EEK, or 19.3%,
compared to the gross profit of 93.6 mln EEK for the 4th quarter of 2006.       

Operating Costs and Operating Margin                                            

Marketing expenses increased by 1.4 mln EEK to 3.8 mln EEK during the 4th       
quarter of 2007 compared to the corresponding period in 2006.  This is partly   
the result of the overall salary increases, but particularly in this group it is
impacted by formation of the new business unit focusing on new business         
development in 2007. The increase in depreciation charges accounted within      
marketing expenses is due to the inclusion of the depreciation related to the   
completion of the last stage of implementation of the Customer Information and  
Billing system (KLIF).                                                          

General administration expenses increased by 0.1 mln EEK to 15.3 mln EEK in the 
4th quarter of 2007 as a consequence of an increase in salaries as described    
above. The other general administration expenses include approximately 0.5 mln  
EEK rental cost of computers resulting from switching from owning the computers 
into the lease contracts- a corresponding reduction can be found in the         
depreciation charge. .  A switch from old billing related modules to new        
software, recorded within marketing expenses complements the reduction in this  

Included within the above cost categories are staff costs. These totaled 23.4   
mln EEK in the 4th quarter of 2007, which is a 5.3 mln EEK or 29% increase      
compared to the same period in 2006, which as mentioned earlier was due to      
exceptional items and the wide revision of salaries at end of 2006.             

Other net income/expenses totaled an income of 0.9 mln EEK in the 4th quarter of
2007 compared to a cost of 1.5 mln EEK in the 4th quarter of 2006, mainly       
because of a 2 mln EEK profit from the sale of one small plot.                  

As a result of all of the above the Company's operating profit for the 4th      
quarter of 2007 was 93.4 mln EEK, an increase of 19 mln EEK compared to an      
operating profit of 74.4 mln EEK achieved in the 4th quarter of 2006.           

Financial expenses                                                              

Net Financial expenses were 11.4 mln EEK in the 4th quarter of 2007, which is an
increase of 0.1 mln EEK or 0.8% compared to the 4th quarter of 2006. The        
Company's interest costs have increased by 14.6% compared to the 4th quarter of 
2006. This is due to the fact that half of the Company's loans are connected to 
the 6 month Euribor rate, which was 4.686% in the 4th quarter of 2007 compared  
to 3.736% in the 4th quarter of 2006. The increase in interest expenses is      
partially offset by an increase in financial income earned during the 4th       
quarter of 2007, as a result of a more favourable cash position and increasing  
interest rates.                                                                 

Profit Before Tax                                                               

The Company's profit before taxes for the 4th quarter of 2007 was 82 mln EEK,   
which is 18.9 mln EEK higher than the profit before taxes of 63.1 mln EEK for   
the 4th quarter of 2006.                                                        

Results for the twelve months of 2007                                           

During the twelve months of 2007 the Company's total sales increased, year on   
year, by 18.4% to 820.8 mln EEK.  Sales from the Company's main operating       
activities were 648.3 mln EEK. Sales of water and wastewater services were 599.6
mln EEK, a 9.2% increase worth of 50.6 mln EEK compared to the twelve months of 
2006. The revenues from other operating activities, mainly connections and storm
water construction, totaled 172.4 mln EEK in 2007.                              

The Company's profit before taxes for the twelve months of 2007 was 333.1 mln   
EEK, which is 38.2 mln EEK higher than the profit before taxes of 294.9 mln EEK 
in 2006. The results for the twelve months of 2007 were impacted by 2 one-offs, 
first by the fact that the Ministry of Environment gave final approval to the   
success of the nitrogen project, which resulted in the release of a provision   
worth 13.3 mln EEK for environmental taxes in the 1st quarter and secondly by 2 
mln EEK profit from sale of one small plot in the 4th quarter. The results for  
the twelve months of 2006 were impacted by the sale of excess land in           
Paljassaare worth 24.1 mln EEK. When eliminating these one-offs, the underlying 
profit before tax has increased by 47 mln EEK to 317.8 mln EEK i.e. 17.3%       

Balance sheet                                                                   

During the twelve months of 2007 the Company invested 285.9 mln EEK into fixed  
assets. Non-current assets were 2,185 mln EEK at 31 December 2007. Current      
assets increased by 43.2 mln EEK to 373.6 mln EEK in the twelve months of the   
year, which was largely attributable to an increase in customer receivables     
payable in 1st quarter 2008.                                                    

Current liabilities increased by 46.7 mln EEK to 199.7 mln EEK in the twelve    
months of the year. This was mainly due to transfer of current portion of the   
long-term borrowings from non-current liabilities to current liabilities.       

The company continues to maintain its leverage level within its target range of 
50-60% with total liabilities to total capital employed of 51.8% as at 31       
December 2007. Long-term liabilities stood at 1,125.2 mln EEK at the end of     
December 2007, consisting almost entirely of the outstanding balance on the two 
long-term bank loans.                                                           

Cash flow                                                                       

During the twelve months of 2007, the Company generated 333.7 mln EEK of cash   
flows from operating activities, an increase of 13.1 mln EEK compared to the    
corresponding period in 2006. Operating profit continues to be the main driver  
for growth.                                                                     

In the twelve months of 2007 net cash outflows from investing activities were   
152.9 mln EEK, which is 79.8 mln EEK more than in 2006. This was mainly due to  
some big construction revenue invoices that are due in the 1st quarter 2008, but
also impacted by increased investment levels. In the twelve months of the year, 
the company invested 285.9 mln EEK - 213.9 mln EEK networks extension and       
rehabilitation, 46.2 mln EEK Paljassaare wastewater treatment plant and         
wastewater treatment, 11.8 mln EEK water quality (Ülemiste water treatment plant
and raw water) and 13.4 mln EEK other investments (IT, capital maintenance,     
meters, etc).                                                                   

Cash outflows from financing activities were 251.8 mln EEK during the twelve    
months of the year compared to cash outflow of 205.2 mln EEK during the twelve  
months of 2006, reflecting increased dividend payments and related taxes.       

As a result of all of the above factors, the total cash outflow in the twelve   
months of 2007 was 71 mln EEK compared to a cash inflow of 42.3 mln EEK in the  
twelve months of 2006. Cash and cash equivalents stood at 178.4 mln EEK as at 31
December 2007.                                                                  


At the end of the 4th quarter of 2007, the number of employees was 312, compared
to 318 at the end of the 4th quarter of 2006.                                   

Dividends and share performance                                                 

Based on the results of the 2006 financial year, the Annual General Meeting of  
shareholders of AS Tallinna Vesi voted to pay 196,010,000 EEK of dividends. Of  
this 10,000 EEK was paid to the owner of the B-share and 196,000,000 EEK, i.e.  
9.8 EEK per share to the owners of the A-shares.  Dividends were paid on 15 June

As of 31 December 2007 AS Tallinna Vesi shareholders, with a direct holding over
5%, were:                                                                       

| United Utilities (Tallinn) BV                     | 35.3%                    |
| City of Tallinn	                            | 34.7%                    |
| Nordea Bank Finland Plc clients account trading   | 7.71%                    |
| Morgan Stanley + Co International Equity client   | 6.81%                    |
| account                                           |                          |

At the end of the quarter, 31 December 2007, the closing price of the AS        
Tallinna Vesi share was 202.78 EEK (12.96 EUR), which is a 10.6% decrease       
compared to the closing price of 226.88 EEK (14.50 EUR) at the beginning of     
quarter, outperforming the market as the OMX Tallinn index dropped by 17.5%     
during the quarter.                                                             

Operational achievements in 2007                                                

In the 4th quarter the Services Agreement Amendment was signed with the City of 
Tallinn. The Services Agreement is extended until 2020 and the k-coefficient is 
also fixed until 2020 - 2% in years 2009 to 2010 and 0% in years 2011 to 2020.  
No extra capital expenditures (in addition to maintenance capex and extensions  
program agreed in the contract) can be imposed on the company until 2020.       
According to the agreement the network extension constructions must be completed
by March 2011. To compensate the Company for the construction and financing     
costs a specific development component is included into the domestic water      
tariff starting from 1 March 2008 to the end of 2017 and the City of Tallinn    
will compensate the storm water constructions every month until the end of 2011.
The development component shall be compensated to the customers with direct     
payment to the company by the City of Tallinn. The component is bigger during   
the construction period (9.00 kroons per m3 until 31 December 2011 and 6.10     
kroons per m3 in years 2012 to 2017).                                           
Earlier, on 26 September the City Council approved the ‘basic' tariffs for water
and wastewater services for 2008. The tariff increase is going to be at the     
expected level, i.e. 11.7%.                                                     
The work on the new Paljassaare sludge processing building was completed and    
commissioning activities ended with full hand over in the beginning of November 
2007. The project provides for the more effective and efficient operation and   
maintenance of this equipment and will realise further benefits in the operation
of the wastewater and sludge treatment processes. The sludge composting         
fields were completed in the 3rd quarter and these have been taken into full    
operation. These projects enable the Company to continue with its               
environmentally friendly and cost effective policy of disposing zero sludge to  
landfill. The total cost of the project was over 40 mln EEK.                    
-        The wastewater treatment performance with all outfall effluent samples 
at all locations was all year long compliant with requirements and as a         
consequence the environmental charges for the year attracted a 50% reduction. As
a result of the excellent treatment results the company saved 7.1 mln EEK from  
environmental taxes in 2007.                                                    
-        In the 3rd quarter the OHSAS (i.e. health and safety) accreditation was
awarded to the company and the certification was formally presented to the      
company on 26th October.                                                        
In the 3rd quarter the Estonian Chamber of Commerce nominated the company for   
the award of the Most Competitive Service Providing Company and we were         
acknowledged as the best in this category. The customers also acknowledge the   
work done by the Company to improve the services it provides. According to the  
survey carried out in December 2007 the customers' satisfaction index increased 
from 73 in 2006 to 79 at end of 2007.                                           

| INCOME STATEMENT                   |         |         |          |          |
| (thousand EEK)                     |   IV    |   IV    |    12    |    12    |
|                                    | Quarter | Quarter |  months  |  months  |
|                                    |  2007   |  2006   |   2007   |   2006   |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Sales from main operating          | 165 710 | 148 909 |  648 335 |  589 176 |
| activities                         |         |         |          |          |
| Revenues from other operating      | 104 639 |  58 612 |  172 437 |  104 048 |
| activities                         |         |         |          |          |
| Net sales                          | 270 349 | 207 521 |  820 772 |  693 224 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Costs of goods sold (main          | -59 469 | -58 219 | -216 677 | -220 537 |
| operating activities)              |         |         |          |          |
| Costs of goods sold (other         | -99 320 | -55 752 | -158 187 |  -97 096 |
| operating activities)              |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| GROSS PROFIT                       | 111 560 |  93 550 |  445 908 |  375 591 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Marketing expenses                 |  -3 838 |  -2 467 |  -13 547 |   -9 578 |
| General administration expenses    | -15 278 | -15 148 |  -56 849 |  -51 319 |
| Other income/ expenses (-)         |     942 |  -1 487 |    1 850 |   23 229 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| OPERATING PROFIT                   |  93 386 |  74 448 |  377 362 |  337 923 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Financial income / expenses (-)    | -11 426 | -11 338 |  -44 237 |  -42 981 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES                |  81 960 |  63 110 |  333 125 |  294 942 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Income tax on dividends            |       0 |       0 |  -55 285 |  -46 896 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD          |  81 960 |  63 110 |  277 840 |  248 046 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Attributable to:                   |         |         |          |          |
| Equity holders of A-shares         |  81 950 |  63 100 |  277 830 |  248 036 |
| B-share holder                     |      10 |      10 |       10 |       10 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Earnings per share in euros        |    4,10 |    3,16 |    13,89 |    12,40 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| BALANCE SHEET                      |         |         |          |          |
| (thousand EEK)                     |         |         |31.12.2007|31.12.2006|
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| ASSETS                             |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| CURRENT ASSETS                     |         |         |          |          |
| Cash at bank and in hand           |         |         |  178 420 |  249 413 |
| Customer receivables               |         |         |  185 223 |   71 490 |
| Accrued income and prepaid         |         |         |    5 248 |    4 756 |
| expenses                           |         |         |          |          |
| Inventories                        |         |         |    3 645 |    3 142 |
| Assets for sale                    |         |         |    1 120 |    1 648 |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS               |         |         |  373 656 |  330 449 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                 |         |         |          |          |
| Tangible assets                    |         |         |1 992 978 |1 877 105 |
| Intangible assets                  |         |         |   49 137 |   52 595 |
| Unfinished assets - non            |         |         |   48 034 |   91 676 |
| connections                        |         |         |          |          |
| Unfinished pipelines - new         |         |         |   90 057 |  117 162 |
| connections                        |         |         |          |          |
| Prepayments for fixed assets       |         |         |    5 399 |    2 795 |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS           |         |         |2 185 605 |2 141 333 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| TOTAL ASSETS                       |         |         |2 559 261 |2 471 782 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| LIABILITIES                        |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                |         |         |          |          |
| Current portion of long-term       |         |         |   41 911 |      473 |
| borrowings                         |         |         |          |          |
| Trade and other payables, incl.    |         |         |   86 965 |   85 250 |
| dividends                          |         |         |          |          |
| Taxes payable                      |         |         |   26 555 |   30 508 |
| Short-term provisions              |         |         |    2 231 |      538 |
| Deferred income                    |         |         |   42 099 |   36 325 |
| TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES          |         |         |  199 761 |  153 094 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES            |         |         |          |          |
| Bank loans                         |         |         |1 125 067 |1 166 098 |
| Other payables                     |         |         |      113 |      100 |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES      |         |         |1 125 180 |1 166 198 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                  |         |         |1 324 941 |1 319 292 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| EQUITY CAPITAL                     |         |         |          |          |
| Share capital                      |         |         |  200 001 |  200 001 |
| Share premium                      |         |         |  387 000 |  387 000 |
| Statutory legal reserve            |         |         |   20 000 |   20 000 |
| Accumulated profit                 |         |         |  349 479 |  297 443 |
| Net profit for the period          |         |         |  277 840 |  248 046 |
| TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL               |         |         |1 234 320 |1 152 490 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY       |         |         |2 559 261 |2 471 782 |
| CAPITAL                            |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| CASH FLOW STATEMENT                |         |         |          |          |
| (thousand EEK)                     |         |         |    12    |    12    |
|                                    |         |         | months   |  months  |
|                                    |         |         |   2007   |   2006   |
| CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING          |         |         |          |          |
| ACTIVITIES                         |         |         |          |          |
| Operating profit                   |         |         |  377 362 |  337 923 |
| Adjustment for depreciation        |         |         |   79 241 |   81 047 |
| Adjustment for income   |                              |  -14 250 |   -6 952 |
| and expenses from       |                              |          |          |
| constructions           |                              |          |          |
| Other financial income and         |         |         |   -1 585 |     -536 |
| expenses                           |         |         |          |          |
| Profit from sale of fixed assets   |         |         |   -2 422 |  -24 917 |
| Expensed fixed assets              |         |         |      476 |    1 106 |
| Capitalization of operating        |         |         |  -19 764 |  -20 921 |
| expenses                           |         |         |          |          |
| Movement in current     |                              |  -32 130 |   -4 142 |
| assets involved in      |                              |          |          |
| operating activities    |                              |          |          |
| Movement in liabilities involved   |         |         |     -259 |    5 994 |
| in operating activities            |         |         |          |          |
| Interest paid                      |         |         |  -52 986 |  -48 051 |
| Total cash flow from operating     |         |         |  333 683 |  320 551 |
| activities                         |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING          |         |         |          |          |
| ACTIVITIES                         |         |         |          |          |
| Acquisition of fixed assets (incl  |         |         | -265 951 | -192 048 |
| pipelines construction)            |         |         |          |          |
| Proceeds from pipelines |                              |  101 840 |  112 662 |
| financed by             |                              |          |          |
| construction income     |                              |          |          |
| Proceeds from sale of and prepayments                  |      390 |   -1 293 |
| received/returned(-) for fixed assets                  |          |          |
| Proceeds from sale of   |                              |      242 |    1 107 |
| assets and real estate  |                              |          |          |
| investments             |                              |          |          |
| Interest received                  |         |         |   10 571 |    6 545 |
| Total cash flow from investing     |         |         | -152 908 |  -73 027 |
| activities                         |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING          |         |         |          |          |
| ACTIVITIES                         |         |         |          |          |
| Finance lease payments             |         |         |     -473 |   -1 282 |
| Dividends paid                     |         |         | -196 010 | -157 000 |
| Income tax on dividends            |         |         |  -55 285 |  -46 896 |
| Total cash flow from financing     |         |         | -251 768 | -205 178 |
| activities                         |         |         |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| Change in cash and bank accounts   |         |         |  -70 993 |   42 346 |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| CASH AND EQUIVALENTS AT |                              |  249 413 |  207 067 |
| THE BEGINNING OF THE    |                              |          |          |
| PERIOD                  |                              |          |          |
|                                    |         |         |          |          |
| CASH AND EQUIVALENTS AT |                              |  178 420 |  249 413 |
| THE END OF THE PERIOD   |                              |          |          |

Additional information:                                                         
Siiri Lahe                                                                      
Chief Financial Officer                                                         
+372 6262 262