Financial calendar

Published to OMX The Nordic Exchange via Company News Service 31 January 2008

Financial calendar

Preliminary announcement of annual results for the financial year 2006/07 (1
October 2006 - 31 December 2007 - 15 months) is published 	31 March 2008 

Ordinary general meeting for the financial year 2006/07 (1 October 2006 - 31
December 2007 - 15 months) is held	30 April 2008 

Interim announcement for the financial year 2008 is published	29 August 2008

Subsequent changes of the above dates may occur.

Please address questions relating to this Notice to Company Secretary Klaus T.
W. Lund on telephone +45 3378 40 00. 


fbm_19_uk_financial calendar.pdf