Exista Financial Results for 2007

Today the financial services group Exista hf. published its financial
statements for 2007. 

Primary results for 2007:
•	After-tax profit EUR 573.9 million, up 34.5%
•	Earnings per share €5.11 cents, up 18.8%
•	Return on equity 23%
•	Total assets EUR 8.0 billion at year-end, up 82% 
•	Total equity EUR 2.4 billion at year-end, up 25%
•	Equity ratio 29.6% at the end of 2007

Primary results for the fourth quarter of 2007:
•	After-tax loss in fourth quarter EUR 295.6 million 
•	Adverse development in financial markets significantly affected valuation of 

financial assets 
•	Proprietary trading books were liquidated and closed, and stake building
assets sold, generating considerable loss and one-off expenses 
Since year-end:
•	As of the end of January 2008, Exista has committed liquidity to meet all
refinancing obligations well into 2009,  or for 69 weeks 
•	Today Exista introduces a new organisational structure that further
underscores the Group's emphasis on financial services as its core activity.
New supporting units, Research and Treasury, have been established while
proprietary trading activities have been discontinued. 

Lýdur Gudmundsson, Executive Chairman:
“At a time of turbulence in the financial markets, Exista benefits greatly from
the sound operations of its subsidiaries and associates. An unusually sharp
dive in market prices has put fundamentals to the test, and Exista has
demonstrated real strength under these trying circumstances. We are prepared
for market volatility, and we carry out our operations and risk management
accordingly. Our liquidity position is excellent and our foundations are sound.
Management recognises that our shareholders have felt the effects of the recent
downturn in share prices which has impacted investors globally. However, we
believe firmly that Exista has created for itself a unique position in the
Nordic financial market   a position that presents the Group with excellent
opportunities for the future.” 

For further information on Exista's 2007 financial results, please contact:
Sigurdur Nordal
Managing Director 
Group Communications
tel: +354 550 8620 / +354 860 8620 (ir@exista.com)

About Exista
Exista is a financial services group with operations in the areas of insurance,
asset finance and investments. The company is a leading insurance underwriter
in Iceland, as well as the country's largest provider of asset finance
products. As an international investor, Exista has strategic holdings in
several companies, including Sampo Group, Kaupthing Bank, Bakkavör Group,
Storebrand and Skipti (Iceland Telecom). Exista is listed on the OMX Nordic
Exchange in Iceland, and its shareholders number around 30,000. Information on
Exista hf. and its financial statements can be found on the Group's website:


exista consolidated financial statements 2007.pdf exista financial report 2007.pdf