Breakthrough in India, major mobile operator go for prepaid Top Up solution from Seamless

This is a breakthrough in India for Seamless with delivery of their product ERS
360˚ to one of the largest mobile operators with coverage in all major towns
and cities throughout India. Once again it is proven that the versatility and
scalability of the ERS 360˚, a transaction hub for prepaid Top Up and
m-Payments, are attractive features to operators in emerging markets. 
“This order is special to us since it recognizes Seamless as a leading
technology supplier in one of the world's toughest and fastest growing markets”
says Rohit Bhatia, CEO of Seamless. “This is an example of fine collaboration
with one of our global partners with true benefits for both of us.” 

Delivery will be in phases covering different geographic regions and various
ERS 360° solutions. Included is GoHandset that makes it possible to create an
armada of resellers using any mobile handset as terminal for airtime reselling.
Another solution, GoBanking, will be deployed in co-operation with leading
banks to enable Top Up at ATMs, through WAP, Web and IVR.

