Apply for second pillar pension with Mortgage bank

This week Mortgage bank initiates accepting applications for selection/change
of the funds manager and investment plan for the state funded pension capital
(i.e., 2nd pillar pension). 

This opportunity is brought by the agreement with the State social insurance
agency, concluded at the end of January “on cooperation in ensuring the
registration process of applications for state funded pension plans.” 

“We observed a certain interest on the part of our clients on the second pillar
pension plans, which made us decide to offer such a service,” admits Mr.
Normunds Šuksts, Mortgage bank's Head of Financial Management department.
Involvement in the second pillar pension plan allows the citizens secure a
larger pension in their age days. The pension capital and the pension volume
itself is accrued by depositing and saving a part of the social payments into
the finance and  capital market - securities and bank deposits. The time-tested
worldwide experience proves that the principle ‘money makes money' works, and
pension capital may grow by multiple times over several decades, in comparison
to the initial contributions. 

Mortgage bank is 100% state-owned bank of A2 rating, which is the highest
feasible in Latvia and corresponds the rating of the Government of Latvia