Amer Sports Corporation Financial Statement Bulletin 2007 (IFRS)

-    Amer Sports Q4 sales decreased 15%. Earnings before interest and
taxes (EBIT) amounted to EUR 53.7 million before non-recurring items.
Non-recurring expenses to the amount of EUR 42.7 million resulting
from the reorganization of the Winter Sports Equipment business were
recorded for the period. Earnings per share were EUR 0.02 (EUR 0.47
exclusive of the non-recurring items).
-    Amer Sports 2007 net sales decreased 8% to EUR 1,652.0 million.
In local currency terms, sales were down 4%. EBIT to EUR 92.2 million
before the non-recurring items booked in Q4. Earnings per share
amounted to EUR 0.25 (EUR 0.70 excluding the non-recurring items).
-    Amer Sports Q4 and full-year EBIT fell clearly short of target
due to the 28% drop in winter sports equipment sales.
-    Restructuring of the Winter Sports Equipment business will
continue. The planned reorganization is estimated to reduce
approximately 400 positions.  In 2009, the goal is to reach EUR 20
million in cost savings through the planned measures.
-    Amer Sports 2008 net sales are expected to increase
approximately 5% in local currencies. EBIT is estimated to amount to
EUR 100 to 130 million, with earnings per share coming in at EUR
0.75-1.00. These estimates are based on a dollar-euro exchange rate
of 1.47.
-    The Amer Sports Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of
EUR 0.50 be paid per share (0.50 per share for 2006).

                           Q4/   Q4/ Change                 Change
EUR million               2007  2006      %    2007    2006      %
Net sales                497.1 581.6    -15 1,652.0 1,792.7     -8
Gross profit             202.2 220.4     -8   664.4   697.4     -5
Earnings before non-
recurring items           53.7  69.7    -23    92.2   120.2    -23
Non-recurring items      -42.7     -          -42.7       -
EBIT                      11.0  69.7    -84    49.5   120.2    -59
Financing income and
expenses                  -9.3  -5.3    -75   -24.9   -23.6     -6
Earnings before taxes      1.7  64.4    -97    24.6    96.6    -75
Net result                 1.3  47.0    -97    18.5    70.5    -74

Earnings per share, EUR   0.02  0.65           0.25    0.98
Earnings per share, EUR,
excluding non-recurring
items                     0.47                 0.70

Roger Talermo, President and CEO:"The past year was the worst in our recent history due to a steep
decline in the demand for winter sports equipment. Consequently, we
have published a plan concerning a significant restructuring of this
business area. We aim at making Winter Sports Equipment a profitable
business even in conditions similar to last winter. Though the
challenges of the winter sports business were the hottest topic of
the year, 60% of our Group's business grew by 10% on average. Sales
of apparel and footwear, fitness equipment and sports instruments, in
particular, continued solid growth.

Our business environment is still a challenging one. The uncertainty
of economic trends, particularly in North America, has increased.
This winter's favorable snow situation in key market areas has not
yet translated into the demand for equipment as desired. Our EBIT for
Winter Sports Equipment remained solidly in the red at EUR -26.7
million. The earnings will improve as a result of our ongoing
measures. Despite the uncertainty of the business environment, I
believe that the Group's operative result will improve this year."


Amer Sports has changed its segment reporting. The redefined business
segments are: Winter and Outdoor; Ball Sports; and Fitness. The new
segment structure is in line with the Group's current organizational
structure and management reporting.

The new segments have been divided into the following business areas:
-    Winter and Outdoor: - Winter Sports Equipment (Salomon winter
sports equipment and Atomic), Apparel and Footwear (Salomon apparel
and footwear and Arc'teryx), Cycling (Mavic) and Sports Instruments
-    Ball Sports (Wilson): Racquet Sports, Team Sports and Golf
-    Fitness (Precor): Fitness Equipment

The Group's geographical segments will remain unchanged: the Americas
(North, South and Central America); EMEA (Europe, Middle East and
Africa); and Asia Pacific (including Japan and Australia).

Further information about this new organizational structure is
available in the stock exchange releases published on July 2, 2007,
November 22, 2007 and December 13, 2007, which can be found at


Amer Sports Q4 net sales decreased 15% to EUR 497.1 million (EUR
581.6 million in 2006). Net sales in local currency terms declined

Net sales by business segment were as follows:  Winter and Outdoor
61% (Winter Sports Equipment 38%), Ball Sports 22% and Fitness 17%.
Net sales declined 21% in Winter and Outdoor and 4% in Ball Sports,
whereas net sales in Fitness increased 3%. In local currency terms,
net sales in Winter and Outdoor decreased 20%; Fitness increased 13%
and Ball Sports 4%.

The geographical breakdown of net sales was as follows: EMEA (Europe,
Middle East and Africa) 47%, the Americas (North, South and Central
America) 40% and Asia Pacific 13%. Sales decreased 4% in the
Americas, 5% in Asia Pacific, and 24% in EMEA. In local currency
terms, net sales rose 5% in the Americas and remained at the previous
year's level in Asia Pacific. Net sales in EMEA decreased 23%.

The Group's EBIT amounted to EUR 53.7 million before non-recurring
items. Non-recurring expenses resulting from the reorganization of
Winter Sports Equipment to the amount of EUR 42.7 million were
recorded for the period.

Earnings before taxes were EUR 1.7 million (64.4). Earnings per share
came in at EUR 0.02 (0.65), and EUR 0.47 excluding the non-recurring
items. Net financial expenses amounted to EUR 9.3 million (5.3).
Interest rate levels were slightly above the previous year's level.


Amer Sports net sales decreased 8% to EUR 1,652.0 million (EUR
1,792.7 million in 2006). Net sales in local currency terms declined

Net sales by business segment were as follows: Winter and Outdoor 50%
(Winter Sports Equipment 24%), Ball Sports 32% and Fitness 18%. Net
sales declined 12% in Winter and Outdoor and 7% in Ball Sports,
whereas net sales in Fitness rose 6%. In local currency terms, net
sales in Winter and Outdoor decreased 11%. Net sales in Ball Sports
were on a par with the previous year, whereas net sales in Fitness
were up 14%.

The geographical breakdown of net sales was as follows: the Americas
(North, South and Central America) 47%, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and
Africa) 43%, and Asia Pacific 10%. Sales decreased 5% in the
Americas, 10% in EMEA and 11% in Asia Pacific. In local currency
terms, net sales increased 3% in the Americas and decreased 10% in
EMEA and 6% in Asia Pacific.

The Group's EBIT amounted to EUR 92.2 million before the
non-recurring items booked in Q4. Non-recurring expenses resulting
from the reorganization of Winter Sports Equipment to the amount of
EUR 42.7 million were recorded for Q4. Earnings were additionally
impacted by a decline in Winter Sports Equipment net sales and
worse-than-expected development of Wilson's Team Sports.

Earnings before taxes amounted to EUR 24.6 million (96.6) and net
profit was EUR 18.5 million (70.5). Earnings per share came in at EUR
0.25 (0.98). Net financial expenses amounted to EUR 24.9 million
(23.6). Due to a restructuring of debt instruments and interest rate
derivatives, net financial expenses were EUR 5.1 million lower in
2007 than if these arrangements had not been carried out.

Taxes for the period were EUR 6.1 million (26.1). The Group's tax
rate was 25% (27%).


The Group's capital expenditure on fixed assets totaled EUR 58.3
million (41.3). Compared to the previous year, capital expenditure
increased due to Wilson adopting the Amer Sports global SAP ERP
system in the United States, Wilson moving into new headquarters in
Chicago, the establishment of a new logistics center in Tennessee,
and the founding of the Amer Sports Winter and Outdoor unit in Ogden.

Depreciation totaled EUR 33.9 million (32.2).


R&D expenditure amounted to EUR 57.7 million (58.5), which represents
3.5% of net sales. Winter and Outdoor's share of the R&D spend was
63%, while Fitness accounted for 24% and Ball Sports for 13%.


The Group's net debt at the end of the year was EUR 588.2 million
(December 31, 2006: EUR 585.4 million).

Net cash flow from operating activities after interest and taxes was
EUR 58.1 million (45.5). Net cash flow from investing activities was
EUR -51.6 million (-71.9). The dividend payout amounted to EUR 36.2
million (35.9).

In 2007, Amer Sports issued two private placement bonds for Finnish
institutional investors. The total amount of the bonds, with
maturities of two and four years, is EUR 150 million.

Of the EUR 575 million credit facility agreed upon in 2005, EUR 165
million was paid in June. At the end of the period, USD 100 million
had been drawn on the credit facility and the committed unused
portion was EUR 325 million. The credit facility will mature in 2011
and 2012.

Short-term financing is raised with a domestic commercial paper
program of EUR 500 million, of which EUR 430 million had been used by
December 31, 2007.

At the end of the year, liquid assets totaled EUR 68.0 million

The company's equity ratio was 31.0% (33.6%) and gearing was 115%



                         Q4/   Q4/ Change             Change
EUR million             2007  2006    % %*)  2007  2006   % %*)
Net sales
  Winter Sports
  Equipment            188.7 278.5  -32 -31 394.2 544.3 -28 -26
  Apparel and Footwear  60.2  52.6   14  14 229.4 188.8  22  24
  Cycling               30.4  29.9    2   4 114.1 107.8   6   8
  Sports Instruments    25.3  22.8   11  14  90.7  81.3  12  15
  operations             0.3   3.3  -91 -91   1.7  25.3 -93 -93
Net sales, total       304.9 387.1  -21 -20 830.1 947.5 -12 -11
EBIT                    35.2  56.3  -37 -38  20.9  47.2 -56 -57

*) In local currency terms

In 2007, net sales declined 11% in local currency terms. The
breakdown of net sales was as follows: Winter Sports Equipment 47%,
Apparel and Footwear 28%, Cycling 14% and Sports Instruments 11%.
EMEA accounted for 65%, the Americas for 25%, and Asia Pacific for
10% of net sales. Sales in local currencies were down 14% in EMEA, 7%
in Asia Pacific and 2% in the Americas.

EBIT decreased to EUR 20.9 million (47.2). The decline was caused by
a considerable softening of the demand in the winter sports equipment
market. Sales of apparel and footwear, sports instruments and cycling
components developed favorably.

Business areas

Winter Sports Equipment's net sales declined 26% in local currency
terms. Decreased sales of Atomic's and Salomon's winter sports
equipment were due to the poor 2006/07 winter season and the
resulting changed behavior of the trade and consumers: the number of
pre-season orders of winter sports equipment halved during the first
quarter, and during Q2 pre-orders decreased more than 20%. Despite
good snow conditions towards the end of the year, the volume of
re-orders in Q4 remained low.

Favorable development of Salomon and Arc'teryx apparel and Salomon
footwear continued. Sales of trail running shoes increased the
fastest. Net sales in Apparel and Footwear increased 24% in local
currency terms to EUR 229.4 million.

Bicycle component manufacturer Mavic's net sales increased 8% in
local currency terms to EUR 114.1 million. Growth was fueled by solid
demand for high-end wheels.

Net sales of Sports Instruments increased 15% in local currency
terms. It was especially boosted by solid demand for T-series

Outlook for 2008

Sales and EBIT are expected to improve. Favorable development of
sports instruments, cycling and footwear and apparel is expected to
continue. It is too early to predict the development of winter sports
equipment sales. As a result of previously announced initiatives and
plans, the performance of Winter Sports Equipment is expected to
improve in 2008; significant improvement in profitability is expected
for 2009.

In order to improve the profitability of the Winter Sports Equipment
business, Amer Sports announced a plan in January 2008 to
significantly restructure the business area. According to the plan,
the industrial production of winter sports equipment will be
separated from the Salomon and Atomic brand organizations. As a
result of this, the manufacturing of skis is being moved from France,
as is the manufacturing of ski boots from Austria, to other
production facilities. Purchasing and sourcing activities will be
further consolidated. Overlaps in R&D, sales and administrative
functions will be minimized. Annecy, France, will become the group's
competence center for ski boots, cross-country boots and bindings,
outdoor apparel, footwear and cycling. Altenmarkt, Austria, will
become the competence center for gliding products. The changes are
estimated to reduce approximately 400 positions globally during
2008.  Labor negotiations with employees have started. All final
decisions are subject to applicable local employee information and
consultation processes and other regulatory requirements. Annual cost
savings are expected to amount to EUR 20 million in 2009.


                   Q4/   Q4/ Change              Change
EUR million       2007  2006   % %*)  2007  2006    % %*)
Net sales
  Racquet Sports  44.1  41.9   5  11 236.0 235.3    0   5
  Team Sports     47.4  52.2  -9   1 195.5 219.6  -11  -3
  Golf            15.5  17.4 -11  -6  99.4 114.7  -13  -9
Net sales, total 107.0 111.5  -4   4 530.9 569.6   -7  -1
EBIT               8.0   5.2  54  58  48.2  54.6  -12  -5

*) In local currency terms

Net sales for 2007 were on a par with the previous year in local
currency terms. The breakdown of net sales was as follows: Racquet
Sports 44%, Team Sports 37% and Golf 19%. The Americas accounted for
65%, EMEA for 22%, and Asia Pacific for 13% of net sales. Sales in
local currencies were up 9% in EMEA and down 2% in the Americas and
11% in Asia Pacific.

EBIT decreased 5% in local currency terms to EUR 48.2 million. The
decrease in EBIT was due to Team Sports sales falling short of

Business areas

Racquet Sports net sales continued to perform well, increasing 5% in
local currency terms. The [K]Factor tennis collection, launched in
early 2007, has been very well received on the market. Tennis racket
sales were up 8% in local currency terms.

Team Sports net sales failed to reach objectives, decreasing 3% in
local currency terms. The decline in sales was due to softened demand
for baseball products.

Golf's net sales decreased 9% in local currency terms. In order to
ensure the profitability of its golf business, Wilson golf ball
production in Humboldt, USA was discontinues. In the future, all golf
ball production will be outsourced. In Japan, Kasco Inc. began to
distribute and license Wilson Golf products as of January 1, 2008.
These reorganization measures are expected to provide annual savings
of approximately 5 million US dollars. In total, approximately 100
staff positions were reduced as a result of the reorganization

Outlook for 2008

Sales are expected grow slightly and profitability is estimated to
improve. Favorable development of Racquet Sports is forecast to
continue. The sales and volume of Team Sports are expected to grow
slightly. Golf will be in the black in 2008. However, economic
development in North America remains a factor of uncertainty in the


             Q4/  Q4/ Change             Change
EUR million 2007 2006  % %*)  2007  2006  % %*)

Net sales   85.2 83.0  3  13 291.0 275.6  6  14
EBIT        13.0 12.7  2  13  37.2  34.8  7  17

*) In local currency terms

Net sales for 2007 continued to develop favorably, increasing 14% in
local currency terms. The Americas accounted for 76%, EMEA for 17%,
and Asia Pacific for 7% of net sales. Sales in local currencies were
up 16% in Asia Pacific, 14% in the Americas, and 12% in EMEA.

EBIT increased 17% in local currency terms to EUR 37.2 million.
Investments in product development and production technology

Precor offers fitness equipment for the commercial and home markets.
Precor's sales to fitness clubs continued its particularly strong
performance. In North America, sales grew faster than the market.
Sales were boosted by the strengthening of Precor's position in the
largest fitness club chains and solid demand for entertainment
systems. In addition, Precor's position in the important hotel market
strengthened with its products being installed in more and more
Hilton hotels globally. The new AMT trainer boosted sales to fitness
clubs during the latter half of the year.

Sales of Precor products in the consumer market increased, and
consumer demand continued to be strong. Precor's new elliptical
crosstrainers and treadmills increased the product offering for
people working out at home.

In 2007, Precor launched a record number of new products to the

Outlook for 2008

Precor is expected to continue to grow faster than the fitness
market. New products will accelerate its growth and positioning both
in the commercial and consumer markets. However, economic development
in North America remains a factor of uncertainty in the outlook.


At the end of the year the Group had 6,465 employees (6,553). The
Group had an average of 6,582 employees (6,786) during the 2007
calendar year. The parent company Amer Sports Corporation had 58
employees (52) at year end and an average of 59 (55) during the year.

|                    | Dec 31, 2007 | Dec 31, 2006 |
| Winter and Outdoor |        3,701 |        3,787 |
| Ball Sports        |        1,891 |        1,919 |
| Fitness            |          815 |          795 |
| Headquarters       |           58 |           52 |
| Total              |        6,465 |        6,553 |

At the end of the year, 1,788 of the Group's employees worked in the
United States, 1,228 in France, 681 in Austria, 630 in Canada, 404 in
Finland and 1,734 in other countries.

|              | Dec 31, 2007 | Dec 31, 2006 |
| EMEA         |        3,330 |        3,346 |
| Americas     |        2,557 |        2,702 |
| Asia Pacific |          578 |          505 |
| Total        |        6,465 |        6,553 |


At the end of the review period Amer Sports had 12,280 registered
shareholders. Non-Finnish nationals owned 49.9% (56.0%) of the

A total of 162.2 million Amer Sports shares were traded on the
Helsinki Stock Exchange during the period. The value of trading was
EUR 2,817.9 million. The share of turnover was 225.3% (of the average
number of shares excluding treasury shares). At the turn of the year,
410,918 ADRs were in circulation.

The closing price of Amer Sports Corporation on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange was EUR 18.49. The high for the period on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange was EUR 21.50 and the low EUR 15.51. The average share price
was EUR 17.37.

On December 31, 2007, the company's market capitalization was EUR
1,329.1 million excluding treasury shares (1,195.9).


The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to decide on the repurchase
of a maximum of 3,500,000 of the Company's own shares. The Company's
own shares shall be repurchased otherwise than in proportion to the
holdings of the shareholders by using the non-restricted equity
through public trading on the Helsinki Stock Exchange at the market
price prevailing at the time of acquisition.

The Amer Sports Board of Directors started a new share repurchase
program based on the authorization given by the AGM on March 8, 2007.
The company acquired its own shares in order to implement a
share-based incentive plan for 2007 for the Group's key personnel.

Own shares were repurchased in the following way:

Time          Amount  Total value, Nominal    Purchase Purchase price
                      EUR          value, EUR price(on (high and low)
August 23 -   445,000 7,503,487.25 4          16.86    16.59-17.21
31 2007

The repurchased amount represents 0.6% Amer Sports share capital.

The AGM also authorized the Board of Directors to decide on issuing
new shares and/or conveying the Company's own shares held by the
Company. New shares may be issued and the Company's own shares held
by the Company may be conveyed either against payment ("Share Issue
against Payment") or for free ("Free Share Issue"). By virtue of the
authorization, the Board of Directors is entitled to decide on
issuing a maximum of 7.000.000 new shares and on conveying a maximum
of 6.500.000 of the Company's own shares held by the Company. The
authorization to issue shares and to convey the Company's own shares
is valid 2 years from the decision of the Annual General Meeting.

Warrants and increases in share capital

                  Number of   Entered in       Share
Warrant              shares    the Trade    capital,  Number of
schemes     Euros            Register on         EUR     shares
2002    1,433,520   358,380 Jan 16, 2007 288,224,016 72,056,004
2002      114,000    28,500  Feb 8, 2007 288,338,016 72,084,504
2002       26,760     6,690 May 22, 2007 288,364,776 72,091,194
2002      458,952   114,738 Jun 20, 2007 288,823,728 72,205,932
2003       16,020     4,005  Sep 4, 2007 288,839,748 72,209,937
2004        4,200     1,050 Oct 10, 2007 288,843,948 72,210,987
2003       44,196    11,049 Oct 10, 2007 288,888,144 72,222,036
2002      386,856    96,714 Oct 10, 2007 289,275,000 72,318,750
2002       13,980     3,495 Nov 27, 2007 289,288,980 72,322,245
2002       13,200     3,300 Dec 18, 2007 289,302,180 72,325,545

The highest price of the 2002 warrants on the OMX Helsinki Stock
Exchange was EUR 29.00 and the lowest EUR 14.20. In 2007, a total of
301,333 warrants were traded at a total price of EUR 5.3 million.

The highest price of the 2003 warrants on the OMX Helsinki Stock
Exchange was EUR 23.50 and the lowest EUR 10.37. In 2007, a total of
50,349 warrants were traded at a total price of EUR 0.7 million.

The highest price of the 2004 warrants on the OMX Helsinki Stock
Exchange was EUR 21.00 and the lowest EUR 8.33. In 2007, a total of
154,289 warrants were traded at a total price of EUR 1.8 million.


On January 30, 2007, Franklin Resources Inc. announced that the total
number of shares held by the funds and individual investors under its
control represented 5.09% of Amer Sports Corporation's share capital
and votes.

On June 11, 2007, Sports Direct International Plc announced that the
shares held by it represented 5.4% of Amer Sports Corporation's share
capital and votes. On July 31, 2007, Sports Direct announced that the
shares held by it represented 10.64% of Amer Sports Corporation's
share capital. On November 8, 2007, Sports Direct announced that it
had disposed of all the Amer Sports Corporation shares held by it.
Sports Direct's holding changed on November 7, 2007.

Ajanta Oy announced on August 24, 2007, that its holdings of Amer
Sports Corporation exceeded one-twentieth (1/20) of its share capital
and voting rights via forward market transactions concluded on August
23, 2007, maturing on December 21, 2007. On October 12, 2007, Ajanta
Oy announced that its holdings of Amer Sports Corporation exceeded
one-tenth (1/10) of its share capital and voting rights via forward
market transactions concluded on October 12, 2007, maturing on
December 21, 2007. On November 8, 2007, Ajanta announced that its
holdings of Amer Sports Corporation had exceeded one-fifth (1/5) of
its share capital and voting rights via forward market transactions
concluded on November 7, 2007, maturing on February 15, 2008. On
December 21, 2007, Ajanta announced that it had extended its maturing
OMX forward market transactions and OTC forward market transactions
of December 21, 2007, and its OMX forward market transactions
maturing on February 15, 2008. As a result of these changes, Ajanta
Oy's holdings of Amer Sports Corporation voting rights and share
capital are below one-twentieth (1/20). In conjunction, Ajanta Oy
subsidiary Ajanta NV's holdings of Amer Sports Corporation voting
rights and share capital exceeded one-fifth (1/5) via forward market
transactions that were completed on December 21, 2007. Ajanta Oy's
combined direct and indirect holdings of Amer Sports Corporation
voting rights and share capital have remained the same as earlier.
Following the maturity of the OMX forward market transactions on June
19, 2008, the total holding will be a minimum of 13,226,400 shares,
representing 18.89% of share capital and voting rights, and if the
OTC forwards are matured at the same time, at most 16,062,126 shares,
equaling 22.21% of share capital and voting rights.

On August 29, 2007, Nordea Bank Finland Plc, the Finnish affiliate of
Nordea Bank AB, announced its purchase of 256,000 shares in Amer
Sports Corporation. Following the acquisition, Nordea Bank Finland
Plc's holding in Amer Sports Corporation rose to 5.15%, exceeding
one-twentieth (1/20) of Amer Sports Corporation's share capital and
voting rights. Nordea Bank Finland Plc announced that it had made
forward market transactions involving Amer Sports Corporation.
Forward market transactions matured in September 2007 (4,500 shares)
and December 2007 (3,848,600 shares) and others will mature in
February 2008 (95,000 shares). Nordea Bank AB announced on November
9, 2007, that Nordea Bank Finland Plc had acquired 8,768,800 Amer
Sports Corporation shares on November 7, 2007. Following the
acquisition, Nordea Bank Finland Plc's holding in Amer Sports
Corporation rose to 18.41%, exceeding three- twentieth (3/20) of Amer
Sports Corporation's share capital and voting rights. Nordea Bank
Finland Plc announced that it had made forward market transactions
involving Amer Sports Corporation. Forward market transactions
matured in November 2007 (2,000 shares) and December 2007 (4,706,000
shares) and others will mature in February 2008 (8,899,500 shares)
and March 2008 (11,600 shares). When the December 2007 forward market
transactions mature, Nordea Bank Finland Plc and Nordea Group
holdings of Amer Sports Corporation fell below 3/20 and will fell
below 1/20 in February 2008. On December 28, 2007, Nordea Bank AB
announced that Nordea Group's and Nordea Bank Finland Plc's
shareholding had not fallen below 3/20. In total, Nordea Group holds
19.2% (13,896,340) of Amer Sports Corporation shares; 3,304 forward
market transactions will mature in February 2008 (330,400 shares),
425 in March 2008 (42,500 shares) and 133,264 in June 2008
(13,326,400 shares). When the June 2008 forward market transactions
mature, Nordea Bank Finland Plc and Nordea Group holdings of Amer
Sports Corporation will fall below 1/20.

On December 31, 2007, the company's registered share capital was EUR
289,302,180 and the total number of shares was 72,325,545.

In accordance with Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Market Act,
Amer Sports Corporation has reported the above-mentioned transactions
in stock exchange releases, which are available on the company's
website at


In accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal, the Annual
General Meeting held on March 8, 2007, confirmed that the number of
Amer Sports Corporation Board members shall be seven. Felix
Björklund, Ilkka Brotherus, Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Timo Maasilta, Roger
Talermo and Anssi Vanjoki were re-elected members of the Board of
Directors. Pirjo Väliaho was elected a new Board member. The term of
office of the elected Board of Directors will continue until the end
of the 2008 AGM.

At its first meeting immediately following the AGM, the Board of
Directors elected Anssi Vanjoki Chairman and Ilkka Brotherus Vice
Chairman. Anssi Vanjoki (Chairman of the Committee), Felix Björklund,
Tuomo Lähdesmäki and Pirjo Väliaho were elected members of the
Remuneration Committee. Ilkka Brotherus (Chairman of the Committee),
Timo Maasilta and Felix Björklund were elected members of the
Nomination Committee. Tuomo Lähdesmäki (Chairman of the Committee),
Ilkka Brotherus and Timo Maasilta were elected members of the Audit

The AGM elected Authorized Public Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers
Oy to act as the auditor of the Company, with Jouko Malinen,
Authorized Public Accountant, as the auditor in charge of the audit.
It was decided that the auditor's fee be paid as per invoice.


On January 10, Amer Sports announced that it will continue to
optimize the structure of its Winter and Outdoor business and also
reported that its winter sports equipment sales for 2007 decreased
27% compared with 2006 (previous estimate was approximately 20%).

On January 11, 2008, Amer Sports received information to the effect
that Orkla ASA had acquired 300,000 Amer Sports Corporation shares on
January 10, 2008. The number of shares held by Orkla at that point
was 3,887,880, corresponding to 5.4% of Amer Sports Corporation share
capital and voting rights.

On January 23, 2008, Amer Sports received information to the effect
that as a result of an agreement entered into between Novator Finland
Oy, Ajanta Oy and its fully-owned subsidiary Ajanta N.V., these
companies' shareholding in Amer Sports Corporation may exceed
one-fifth (1/5) of the shares and voting rights in Amer Sports
Corporation. The previous day, Novator Finland Oy, Ajanta Oy and
Ajanta N.V. entered into an agreement regarding, among other things,
the use of voting power in Amer Sports Corporation. The agreement is
effective until June 30, 2009, or for as long as these companies own
shares or forward contracts related to shares in Amer Sports
Corporation, or until the agreement is terminated. The potential
shareholding of Novator Finland Oy and Ajanta N.V. in Amer Sports
Corporation was in total 20.31%, or 14,688,917 shares.

On January 24, 2008, Amer Sports Corporation received information to
the effect that the agreement between Novator Finland Oy, Ajanta Oy
and its fully-owned subsidiary Ajanta N.V. regarding Amer Sports
Corporation had ceased to be effective. On January 23, 2008, Novator
Finland Oy had purchased OMX forward contracts for 4,617,500 shares
in Amer Sports Corporation that mature on June 19, 2008. Novator
Finland Oy has previously purchased OMX forward contracts for
1,940,800 shares and 8,130,600 shares in Amer Sports Corporation that
mature on February 15, 2008 and June 19, 2008, respectively. After
the maturity of the forward contracts, Novator Finland Oy's holding
in Amer Sports Corporation will be 14,688,900 shares, representing
20.31% of the shares and voting rights in Amer Sports Corporation.
Ajanta Oy's potential direct and indirect shareholding in Amer Sports
Corporation is 0%.

Amer Sports has reported the above-mentioned events in stock exchange
releases, which are available on the company's website at


The Amer Sports business environment will be challenging this year.
North American consumer demand is expected to weaken, and the
favorable snow conditions in key market areas have not yet translated
into the expected demand for winter sports equipment.

Plans for the reorganization of the Winter Sports Equipment business
have been announced. The plan is estimated to reduce approximately
400 positions in 2008. The resulting savings will be visible to some
extent this year and are expected to amount to EUR 20 million in
2009. Improved profitability will also be pursued in other Amer
Sports businesses in 2008 despite the above-average uncertainty of
the business environment.

-   In 2008 Amer Sports aims to achieve a 5% increase in net sales in
local currencies. It is estimated that Amer Sports EBIT will amount
to EUR 100-130 million (comparison EBIT for 2007 excluding
non-recurring items amounted to EUR 92.2 million).
-   Earnings per share are estimated to come in at EUR 0.75-1.00
(comparison earnings for 2007 excluding non-recurring items was EUR

The estimate is based on a dollar-euro exchange rate of 1.47. The
Company will aim to specify its guidance further when publishing Q2


Amer Sports seeks to be viewed as a competitive investment that
increases shareholder value through a combination of dividends and
share price performance. The Company therefore pursues a progressive
dividend policy reflecting its results, with the objective of
distributing a dividend of at least one-third of annual net profits.

The parent company's unrestricted shareholders' equity amounts to EUR
236,156,217.12, of which net result for the period is EUR

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
the distributable earnings be used as follows:

- A dividend of EUR 0.50 per share, totaling EUR 36,522,775.50 to be
paid to shareholders
- EUR 199,633,441.62 to be carried forward in unrestricted
shareholders' equity
Totaling EUR 236,156,217.12

No dividend will be paid to treasury shares held by the Company.

There have been no significant changes to the company's financial
position since the close of the financial period. The company's
financial standing is good, and according to the Board of Directors,
the proposed dividend distribution does not endanger the company's
financial standing.

The figures presented in this stock exchange release are based on the
Group's audited financial statements, which has been prepared in
accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as adopted by the EU.

EUR million


                      1-12/    1-12/ Change 10-12/ 10-12/ Change
                       2007     2006      %   2007   2006      %
NET SALES           1,652.0  1,792.7     -8  497.1  581.6    -15
Cost of goods sold   -987.6 -1,095.3        -294.9 -361.2
GROSS PROFIT          664.4    697.4     -5  202.2  220.4     -8
License income         18.0     22.4           4.9    6.8
Other operating
income                  7.9      7.2           6.2    1.5
R&D expenses          -57.7    -58.5         -15.8  -16.6
Selling and
marketing expenses   -407.6   -416.5        -106.7 -111.2
Administrative and
other expenses       -132.8   -131.8         -37.1  -31.2
expenses related to
the reorganization
of Winter Sports
Equipment business
area                  -42.7        -         -42.7      -
INTEREST AND TAXES     49.5    120.2    -59   11.0   69.7    -84
% of net sales          3.0      6.7           2.2   12.0
Financing income
and expenses          -24.9    -23.6          -9.3   -5.3
TAXES                  24.6     96.6    -75    1.7   64.4    -97
Taxes                  -6.1    -26.1          -0.4  -17.4
NET RESULT             18.5     70.5    -74    1.3   47.0    -97

Attributable to:
Equity holders of
the parent company     18.1     70.3           1.2   47.0
Minority interests      0.4      0.2           0.1    0.0

Earnings per
share, EUR             0.25     0.98          0.02   0.65
Earnings per
share, diluted, EUR    0.25     0.97          0.02   0.65
Adjusted average
number of shares
in issue less own
shares, million        72.0     71.5
Adjusted average
number of shares
in issue less own
shares, diluted,
million                73.0     72.4
Equity per share,
EUR                    7.04     7.71
ROCE, % *)              4.8     12.0
ROE, %                  3.5     12.9
Average rates used:
EUR 1.00 = USD         1.37     1.26

*) 12 months' rolling average


                     1-12/   1-12/ Change 10-12/ 10-12/ Change
                      2007    2006      %   2007   2006      %
Winter and Outdoor   830.1   947.5    -12  304.9  387.1    -21
Ball Sports          530.9   569.6     -7  107.0  111.5     -4
Fitness              291.0   275.6      6   85.2   83.0      3
Net sales, total   1,652.0 1,792.7     -8  497.1  581.6    -15


                    1-12/ 1-12/ Change 10-12/ 10-12/ Change
                     2007  2006      %   2007   2006      %
Winter and Outdoor   20.9  47.2    -56   35.2   56.3    -37
Ball Sports          48.2  54.6    -12    8.0    5.2     54
Fitness              37.2  34.8      7   13.0   12.7      2
Headquarters        -14.1 -16.4     14   -2.5   -4.5     44
                     92.2 120.2    -23   53.7   69.7    -23
expenses related to
the reorganization
of Winter Sports
Equipment business
area                -42.7     -      -  -42.7      -      -
EBIT, total          49.5 120.2    -59   11.0   69.7    -84


               1-12/   1-12/ Change 10-12/ 10-12/ Change
                2007    2006      %   2007   2006      %
Americas       774.1   815.7     -5  198.9  207.1     -4
EMEA           704.9   781.8    -10  233.9  306.8    -24
Asia Pacific   173.0   195.2    -11   64.3   67.7     -5
Total        1,652.0 1,792.7     -8  497.1  581.6    -15


                               1-12/2007 1-12/2006
EBIT                                49.5     120.2
Depreciation and adjustments
to cash flow from operating
activities                          30.5      32.8
Change in working capital           26.3     -60.1
Cash flow from operating
activities before financing
items and taxes                    106.3      92.9
Interest paid and received         -21.7     -19.8
Income taxes paid                  -26.5     -27.6
Cash flow from operating
activities                          58.1      45.5
Company acquisitions                   -     -33.4
Capital expenditure                -58.3     -41.3
Proceeds from sale of
non-current tangible assets          4.0       2.8
Proceeds from sale of
available-for-sale investments       1.7         -
Repayment of loan receivables        1.0         -
Cash flow from investing
activities                         -51.6     -71.9
Dividends paid                     -36.2     -35.9
Issue of shares                     10.6       6.5
Repurchases of own shares           -7.5         -
Change in net debt and other
financial items                     49.9      54.1
Cash flow from financing
activities                          16.8      24.7
Liquid funds at 1 Jan               45.5      48.7
Translation differences             -0.8      -1.5
Change in liquid funds              23.3      -1.7
Liquid funds at 31 Dec              68.0      45.5


Assets                       31 Dec 2007 31 Dec 2006
Goodwill                           270.9       290.3
Other intangible non-current
assets                             209.5       209.9
Tangible non-current assets        135.9       118.8
Other non-current assets            66.3        55.5
Inventories and work in
progress                           299.2       290.4
Receivables                        594.7       647.1
Cash and cash equivalents           68.0        45.5
Assets                           1,644.5     1,657.5

Shareholders' equity and
Shareholders' equity               509.7       556.1
Long-term interest-bearing
liabilities                        218.6       243.9
Other long-term liabilities         18.7        18.7
Current interest-bearing
liabilities                        437.6       387.0
Other current liabilities          372.0       382.4
Provisions                          87.9        69.4
Shareholders' equity and
liabilities                      1,644.5     1,657.5

Equity ratio, %                     31.0        33.6
Gearing, %                           115         105
EUR 1.00 = USD                      1.47        1.32


                                       value                     Total
                          Fund Trans-    and Retai-       Mino- share-
             Share Pre-    for lation  other    ned        rity   hol-
             capi- mium    own diffe- reser-   ear-       inte-  ders'
               tal fund shares rences    ves  nings Total rests equity
Balance at
1 Jan 2006   285.9  1.3         -14.2   -0.6  260.4 532.8   3.4  536.2
differences                     -27.3               -27.3        -27.3
Cash flow
hedges                                   4.8          4.8          4.8
Net income
in equity                       -27.3    4.8        -22.5        -22.5
Net result                                     70.3  70.3   0.2   70.5
income and
expense for
the period                      -27.3    4.8   70.3  47.8   0.2   48.0
distribution                                  -35.7 -35.7        -35.7
Warrants                                        1.1   1.1          1.1
exercised      0.9  5.6                               6.5          6.5
               0.9  5.6                       -34.6 -28.1        -28.1
Balance at
31 Dec 2006  286.8  6.9         -41.5    4.2  296.1 552.5   3.6  556.1
differences                     -25.3               -25.3        -25.3
Cash flow
hedges                                  -6.9         -6.9         -6.9
Net income
in equity                       -25.3   -6.9        -32.2        -32.2
Net result                                     18.1  18.1   0.4   18.5
income and
expense for
the period                      -25.3   -6.9   18.1 -14.1   0.4  -13.7
distribution                                  -36.0 -36.0  -0.2  -36.2
of own
shares                    -7.5                       -7.5         -7.5
Warrants                                        0.7   0.7          0.7
exercised      2.5  8.1                              10.6         10.6
Other change
in minority
interests                                                  -0.3   -0.3
               2.5  8.1   -7.5                -35.3 -32.2  -0.5  -32.7
Balance at
31 Dec 2007  289.3 15.0   -7.5  -66.8   -2.7  278.9 506.2   3.5  509.7


                            31 Dec 2007 31 Dec 2006
Mortgages pledged                   2.8         3.5
Guarantees                          4.5         4.3
Liabilities for leasing and
rental agreements                 105.7       103.0
Other liabilities                  48.2        50.9

There are no guarantees of contingencies given for the management of
the company, the shareholders or the associated companies.


                         31 Dec 2007 31 Dec 2006
Nominal value
Foreign exchange forward
contracts                      417.1       341.3
Forward rate agreements        100.0       275.9
Interest rate swaps            217.9       225.9

Fair value
Foreign exchange forward
contracts                        0.0         4.3
Forward rate agreements          0.0         0.2
Interest rate swaps             -1.6         5.7


                Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1
              2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006
Winter and
Outdoor      304.9 280.6 100.2 144.4 387.1 291.2 103.0 166.2
Ball Sports  107.0 109.9 150.4 163.6 111.5 120.3 159.5 178.3
Fitness       85.2  72.3  59.7  73.8  83.0  60.4  59.3  72.9
Net sales,
total        497.1 462.8 310.3 381.8 581.6 471.9 321.8 417.4

                Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1
              2007  2007  2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006
Winter and
Outdoor       35.2  48.9 -28.8 -34.4  56.3  48.0 -26.4 -30.7
Ball Sports    8.0   5.4  15.0  19.8   5.2   7.9  17.2  24.3
Fitness       13.0   8.1   6.2   9.9  12.7   6.0   4.1  12.0
Headquarters  -2.5  -3.3  -5.2  -3.1  -4.5  -4.0  -3.9  -4.0
              53.7  59.1 -12.8  -7.8  69.7  57.9  -9.0   1.6
related to
tion of
area         -42.7     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
EBIT, total   11.0  59.1 -12.8  -7.8  69.7  57.9  -9.0   1.6

All forecasts and estimates presented in this report are based on the
management's current judgment of the economic environment. The actual
results may differ significantly.

A combined news conference, conference call and live webcast
concerning the financial statements will be held on February 6, 2008,
at 3:00 pm Finnish time at Amer Sports headquarters (address:
Mäkelänkatu 91, Helsinki). The event will be held in English. For
instructions on how to participate in the conference call, visit the
Amer Sports website at

Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Mr Tommy Ilmoni, Vice President, Investor Relations, tel. +358 9 7257
Mr Pekka Paalanne, Senior Vice President & CFO, tel. +358 9 7257 8212
Mr Roger Talermo, President & CEO, tel. +358 9 7257 8210


Ms Maarit Mikkonen
Communications Manager
Tel. +358 9 7257 8306, e-mail:

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media


Amer Sports Corporation Financial Statement Bulletin 2007 IFRS