Additional information and correction for Straumur Investment Bank financial statement 2007

February 07, 2008

 Additional information and correction for Straumur Investment Bank
                      financial statement 2007
In note 47  the number  of senior management  receiving salaries  and
fringe benefits was 13. The names and explanations for Guðmundur  Örn
Þórðarson Head of Corporate Finance and Oscar Crohn Head of Corporate
Finance were missing. Guðmundur's  salaries and fringe benefits  were
€3,078,900 in  the  year  2007. Oscar  Crohn's  salaries  and  fringe
benefits were  €588,200  in the  year  2007. Skúli  Valberg  Ólafsson
member of  senior management  has a  put option  totaling 10  million
shares. The option has an exercise price of ISK 14 and is entitled to
be exercised until 20 February 2008. In the list of board members the
name of Friðrik  Hallbjörn Karlsson  was misspelled and  the name  of
James Leitner was missing.
In the list  of ownership at  year end for  board members and  senior
management the  numbers were  incorrect but  should be  as follows.
James Leitner has  100,000,000 shares,  Guðmundur Kristjánsson  2,300
shares, Eggert Magnússon 1,700 shares, Þórunn Guðmundsdóttir  105,649
shares, E.  Alden Edmonds  150,000  shares, Jóhann  Páll  Símonarsson
58,900 shares and senior management has 10.828.000 shares. Björgólfur
Thor Björgólfsson does not  own more than 50%  in the company  Samson
Global Holdings which owns 3,407,555,158 shares in Straumur.