- Finnbogi Baldvinsson appointed CEO of Icelandic Group

The Board of Icelandic Group has appointed Finnbogi Baldvinsson as the CEO of
the Group. 

Finnbogi Balvinsson studied fisheries sciences at the University of Tromsö in
Norway in 1983-1988.  Mr. Baldvinsson has since then been engaged in processing
of seafood.  Mr. Baldvinsson served as CEO of DFFU in Cuxhaven in the years
1995-2000.  He became the CEO of Pickenpack Hussmann & Hahn when the companies
merged in the year 2003 until 2006 when Pickenpack became a part of Icelandic
Group.  After that Mr. Baldvinsson became CEO of Icelandic Europe. 

Magnús Þorsteinsson Chairman of the Board of Icelandic Group hf
„A new man now takes the torch and his role is clear. What needs to be secured
is that Icelandic will be able to exploit the restructuring that the Group has
been going through.  Finnbogi Baldvinsson gets the assignment to increase the
profitability of the Group and to reinstate it as a leading company in the
seafood industry.  The Board of the Group has full belief that Mr. Baldvinsson
will succeed in the assignment“. 

Finnbogi Baldvinsson CEO of Icelandic Group hf
„I consider this to be a challenging assignment.  It is the demand of the
shareholders that in the months ahead the objectives will be reached.  The
Group has gone through turbulence and reconstructions in the operations and it
is my assignment to ensure that these objectives will be reached.  Icelandic
Group has well experienced and good employees which I look forward to working
with.  There are many new challenges for companies within the food processing
industry with constantly changing food habits“. 

For further information:
Finnbogi Baldvinsson CEO of Icelandic Group hf tel.: +49 1723 198 727