Sandvik comments statement by Securities Council

Sandvik comments statement by Securities Council

Today, in a message, the Swedish Securities Council issued a statement
concerning Sandvik´s sale of shares in its subsidiary Edmeston AB to an adult
daughter of the President of the subsidiary. The Securities Council believes
that the sale is a way of circumventing Sweden's so-called Leo regulations.

Sandvik has noted the statement of the Securities Council and will take it into
account in its future acting.

Sandviken, 8 February 2008

Sandvik AB; (publ)

For further information, contact Anders Wallin, Vice President Group
Communications, Sandvik AB, 
tel +46 26 26 09 20 

Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading
positions in selected areas - tools for metal cutting, machinery and tools for
rock excavation, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic
resistance materials as well as process systems. The Group had at the end of
2007 about 47,000 employees and representation in 130 countries, with annual
sales of more than SEK 86,000 M.

