Skanska to construct hospital in Scotland for GBP 65 M, about SEK 820 M

Skanska to construct hospital in Scotland for GBP 65 M, about SEK 820 M

Skanska has been contracted to carry out construction of the State Hospital in
Carstairs, Scotland. The contract amount is GBP 65 M, about SEK 820 M, which is
included in order bookings for the first quarter of 2008. The customer is the
NHS Trust, the national healthcare authority in Scotland.

The project comprises construction of a 19,000-square-meter hospital building
and the rebuild of about 1,500 square meters of existing hospital facilities.
The work also involves landscaping throughout the site.

In addition, Skanska will undertake the mechanical and electrical installations
as well as the voice and data communications systems.

State Hospital is a psychiatric clinic that will house departments for
psychiatric and somatic healthcare as well as facilities for therapeutic,
vocational and physical activities on the site.

Work begins in March and completion is set for 2011. The hospital will remain in
operation during the entire construction period.

Skanska UK has previously constructed schools and correctional facilities in
Scotland. Skanska is currently building six hospitals in Great Britain. The two
largest building projects are now under way in London - The Barts and The London
Hospitals - which are being constructed within the PFI framework, the British
program for public-private partnerships.

Skanska UK reported revenues of SEK 18 billion in 2007, with about 5,500
employees. The business unit is active in building and civil construction,
utilities and building services. Skanska is also a leader in the British program
for private public partnerships, PFI (Private Finance Initiative).

For further information please contact:

Tanya Barnes, Head of Communications, Skanska UK,
tel +44 1923 423 905 
Peter Gimbe, Press Officer, Skanska AB, tel +46 8 753 88 38
Direct line for media: tel +46 8 753 88 99

This and previous releases can also be found at

Skanska AB may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant
to the Securities Markets Act.

Skanska is one of the world's leading construction groups with expertise in
construction, development of commercial and residential projects and
public-private partnerships. The Group currently has 60,000 employees in
selected home markets in Europe, in the US and Latin America. Headquartered in
Stockholm, Sweden and listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Skanska's sales in
2007 totaled SEK 139 billion.

