IT – New submarkets available in SAXESS test environment (12/08)

The OMX Nordic Exchange is approaching technical readiness to launch a market for Exchange Traded Commodities/Currencies/Cash (ETC). Exchange Traded Commodities will be the first products listed on the new market and they are investment vehicles that track the performance of an underlying commodity index, including total return indices, based on a single commodity such as gold, coffee, zinc, or oil. OMX will also offer Exchange Traded Commodities that track indices which give exposure to a range of underlying commodities   from broad indices to specific sub-indices such as energy, precious metals or agriculture. 

Starting Tuesday, February 12, three new submarkets, OMX STO ETC, OMX HEL ETC and OMX CPH ETC will be available for testing in current release of SAXESS; SAXTST3.

The market model on the new submarkets will be the same as for the existing submarkets in the trading system; OMX STO Commodities is copy of OMX STO Fund units, OMX HEL Commodities is a copy of OMX HEL Fund units, and OMX CPH Commodities is copy submarket of OMX CPH Investment Funds. 

Please note that no new technical functionality is being introduced on the new submarkets; they will have the same market functionality that exists today in the SAXESS system. 

