Pressrelease Year-end report (1 Jan-31 Dec 2007)

Pressrelease Year-end report (1 Jan-31 Dec 2007)

Continued improved results for Doro - Core business profitable and strong growth
in Care Electronic

During the fourth quarter of 2007 Doro's sales amounted to SEK 114 million (SEK
121 m), which adjusted for divestments are in line with last year. During the
fourth quarter Doro increased volumes by 9 percent. Profit after tax amounted to
SEK 6 million (SEK -62 m). Care Electronics continued to have strong sales
growth during the quarter.

For the full year sales amounted to SEK 346 million (SEK 433 m), which adjusted
for divestments represents a decrease by 5 percent. Doro increased volumes by 6
percent during the year. Operational profit was SEK 9 million (SEK -77 m) and
profit after tax amounted to SEK 8 million (SEK -95 m). During the year Care
Electronics had strong growth and also Business Electronics increased sales.
Home Electronics decreased sales due to price pressure in the market but became
profitable after restructuring. The cash flow improved considerably during the
latter half of the year.

“From an operational and financial point of view Doro is now a company in better
balance. During 2007 we divested loss-making subsidiaries in Australia and
Poland, and streamlined the organisation. Thus, the restructuring program has
resulted in a profit for 2007 as compared with the losses made during the last
couples of years”, says Jérôme Arnaud, CEO of Doro, and continues:

“Care Electronics is expected to have a positive impact on future sales growth
and margins of Doro. We see a strong demand especially among the aging
population for simplified telephony and electronic products. The launch of our
GSM phone for elderly during the fourth quarter has confirmed this and resulted
in encouraging  sales growth. We will make several product launches within this
area during 2008. In addition, we will recruit new distributors and expand
geographically. With the efforts being made in Care Electronics Doro will become
a company, which is well balanced between Home telephony, Business telephony and
Care telephony”.

The year end report is available at

For further information, please contact:
CEO Jérôme Arnaud, +46 46 280 50 05 

CFO Stefan Sjölin +46 46 280 50 62

About Doro
With over 30 years' experience in telephony Doro is today characterised by
innovative and user-friendly consumer electronics products. The company develops
markets and sells a wide range of products in three business units: Home
Electronics, Business Electronics and Care Electronics. The company's products
are sold in more than 30 countries worldwide through a variety of retail
outlets, including electronics stores, online stores and specialised channels.
The company had sales of SEK 433 million in 2006. Doro's shares are quoted on
the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Nordic list, Small companies. Read more about Doro

