ATP increases its ownership in ALK-Abelló

ATP increases its ownership in ALK-Abelló

Pursuant to section 28(a) of the Danish Public Companies Act and section 29 of
the Danish Securities Trading Act, ALK-Abelló A/S has received notification
from ATP (the Labour Market Supplementary Pension Scheme) that ATP and ATP
Invest, Hillerød, Denmark, have increased their ownership in ALK-Abelló A/S. 

ATP and ATP Invest now own 9.09% of the company share capital equivalent to
920,977 shares and 5.00% of the votes. 

Hørsholm, February 13, 2008
ALK-Abelló A/S

Jens Bager
President and CEO

For further information please contact:
Per Plotnikof, Investor Relations, tel. +45 4574 7527

