Licensing Complete for Studsvik's Waste Treatment Facility in the UK

Studsvik has today obtained all necessary licenses to allow
construction and subsequent operation of its proposed UK Metallic
Recycling Facility (MRF) near Sellafield. The facility will be used
to process low level radioactive metal arising from operations and
decommissioning of UK nuclear facilities

Studsvik acquired an industrial site near Workington, Cumbria in
early 2006. A license application under the requirements of the
Nuclear Installations Act was submitted in June 2007. This was the
first application of its kind in the UK for over 20 years. As part of
this process, Studsvik commenced Public Body Notification, in
September 2007, which ended in December 2007. In addition, other
regulatory submissions have been made under the requirements of the
Radioactive Substances Act 1993, and Euratom Treaty Article 37.

The Workington facility will be used to process low level radioactive
metal arising from operations and decommissioning of UK nuclear
facilities. Following treatment, the recycled metal will be proven to
be below exemption limits before eventually being sold into the UK
recycled metal market for industrial use. The radioactive residues
will be packed and safely disposed of in the UK Low Level Waste
Repository (LLWR) near Drigg, Cumbria. Studsvik estimates that there
are 500,000 tonnes of contaminated scrap metal in the UK that can be
safely treated, recycled and reused.

The construction of the plant is divided into a number of phases,
where the first aims at creating a facility capable of undertaking
waste characterisation, size reduction, decontamination and release
or disposal. The facility will from start integrate its operations
with Studsvik's metal melting facilities in Sweden. The first phase
is planned for completion during the second half of 2008, at which
point the facility will become operational. In addition to the metal
recycling capability, the facility can also be used to accommodate
Studsvik's mobile High Force Compaction (HFC) which is for volume
reduction of Low Level Waste (LLW).

All of these steps are covered within the license issued by the UK
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) today, which becomes effective from
February 18, 2008.

Studsvik's CEO Magnus Groth commented: "The license is a confirmation
that Studsvik has satisfied the regulatory authorities as to the
safety and environmental performance of the facility. We are proud to
be in the forefront of technologies that can be applied to the safe
and environmentally responsible treatment and volume reduction of the
vast quantities of low level nuclear waste in the country."
For further information, please contact:

Magnus Groth, President and CEO, Tel: +46 155 22 10 86,
Mobile: +46 709 67 70 86

Mark Lyons, President, Studsvik UK Limited, Tel: +44 191 482 7102,
Mobile: +44 787 949 1011

Facts about Studsvik
Studsvik is a leading service supplier to the international nuclear
industry. The company has 60 years experience of nuclear technology
and radiological services. Studsvik addresses a market in strong
growth with specialized services in four Strategic Business Areas:
Waste Treatment, Decommissioning, Operating Efficiency and Service
and Maintenance. Studsvik has 1,200 employees in 7 countries and the
company's shares are listed on the OMX Nordic Stock Exchange
Stockholm AB, MidCap.

