January - December 2007
• Group revenues from sales of goods and royalties amounted to 1,317.6 (1,303.7)
MSEK during the year. 

• Growth within the Esthetics product area was 13 percent and revenues amounted
to 1,073.0 (950.6) MSEK.

• When Restylane Perlane was approved for sales in the USA (May 2007) Q-Med
received 29.1 MUSD (199.7 MSEK) from Medicis.

• Operating income amounted to 370.5 (300.0) MSEK.

• Income after tax amounted to 315.4 (212.4) MSEK.

• Earnings per share after full dilution were 3.17 (2.14) SEK.

October - December 2007
• Group revenues from sales of goods and royalties amounted to335.9 (331.5) MSEK
and operating income amounted to -10.7 (40.8) MSEK.

• Income after tax amounted to -13.7 (25.7) MSEK.

Important events after the end of the year
• An international distribution agreement has been entered into with Palomar
Medical Technologies Inc. with regard to the marketing, sales and distribution
of Palomar's products outside North America (January 2008).

• Q-Med has decided to terminate production and sales of ZUIDEX and will offer
DEFLUX for cystoscopic treatment of stress urinary incontinence (February 2008).

Queries should be addressed to:
Bengt Ågerup, President and CEO
Tel: +46 (0)70-974 9025
Madelene Sandgren, Director Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
Tel:+46 ( 0)70-974 9015
Q-Med AB is a rapidly growing and profitable biotechnology/medical device
company. The company develops, manufactures, markets, and sells primarily
medical implants. The majority of the products are based on the company's
patented technology, NASHA™, for the production of stabilized non-animal
hyaluronic acid. The product portfolio today contains: Restylane® for filling
lines and folds, contouring and creating volume in the face, Macrolane™ for body
contouring, Durolane™ for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee
joints, Deflux™ for the treatment of vesicoureteral reflux, VUR, (a malformation
of the urinary bladder) in children, Zuidex™ for the treatment of stress urinary
incontinence in women, and Solesta™ for the treatment of fecal incontinence.
Sales are made through the company's own subsidiaries or distributors in over 70
countries. Q Med today has just over 700 coworkers, with close to 500 at the
company's head office and production facility in Uppsala, Sweden. Q-Med AB is
listed in the Mid Cap segment of the OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm.

