Studsvik - Interim Report January - December 2007

*          High growth - net sales up by 18 per cent.
*          Sustained strong growth in the UK.
*          Well filled order books in most segments at end of 2007.
*          Group facility for treatment of metallic waste in the UK
  received environmental and nuclear permits.
*          Contract signed with WCS for storage of nuclear waste -
  strengthens Studsvik's market position in the USA.
*          The target for organic growth is being raised from 5 to 10
  per cent.
*          Market developments will create an environment favorable
  to healthy organic growth in most segments 2008.
*         The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 2.00 per

|                                 | Full Year 2007 | Full year 2006 |
| Net sales, SEK million          |        1,314.7 |        1,219.6 |
|                                 |                |                |
| Operating profit, SEK million   |           62.1 |           71.3 |
|                                 |                |                |
| Profit after tax, SEK million   |           47.2 |           34.8 |
|                                 |                |                |
| Profit per share after tax, SEK |           5.65 |           4.24 |
|                                 |                |                |
| Equity per share, SEK           |          69.58 |          67.97 |
|                                 |                |                |
| Equity-assets ratio, %          |           42.5 |           41.2 |
|                                 |                |                |

For further information please contact:
Magnus Groth, CEO, tel, +46 155 22 10 86 or mobilephone, +46 709 67
70 86 or
Jerry Ericsson, CFO, tel, +46 155 22 10 32 or mobilephone, +46 709 67
70 32

Please find the full report in attached pdf-file.

Facts about Studsvik
Studsvik is a leading service supplier to the international nuclear
industry. The company has 60 years experience of nuclear technology
and radiological services. Studsvik addresses a market in strong
growth with specialized services in four Strategic Business Areas:
Waste Treatment, Decommissioning, Operating Efficiency and Service
and Maintenance. Studsvik has 1,200 employees in 7 countries and the
company's shares are listed on the OMX Nordic Stock Exchange
Stockholm AB, MidCap.


Studsvik - Interim Report Jan - Dec 2007